Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Long post full of randomness...

It's taken me three days to finish this post. Well maybe that isn't the right saying. I started this post three days ago, and just haven't gotten around to posting it so I just keep adding to it. It's LONG... but thats okay!
Weekend Wickedness! (start of post number one)

I had some major wicked fun this weekend! Okay, so maybe not. But I like the word wicked, lol! I have a few friends that live out east and they use that word ALL of the time, I love it! Haha!

Anyways, I did have a pretty stellar weekend and I didn't even do all that much. In fact, I even missed Ayden's soccer game on Saturday because I left early to make it to my friend's house at a decent time. My friend lives about an hour and fifteen minutes away, but the drive was easy peasy, especially for it being to a place I've never driven before. I'm not very good with driving to places that I've never been and this particular route involved me going through an area that I don't particularly like. But I made it there and back in one piece!

It just so happened that my other friend was visiting the friend I was going to see, so we made it into a girls day... since the friend we were visiting has four little girls of her own. I went to take some pictures for my friend and I think they turned out just great! I was so excited at the end result! But it wasn't just the picture taking that was fun, it was getting to hang out with two good friends as well, even if we did have four little ones to watch. We caught up since we don't get to see each other all that often and had lots of fun!

I ended up getting home pretty late on Saturday night so I just watched a little bit of TV and then crashed in bed. I slept until 10:30am! That hasn't happened in like FOREVER! But it only happened because Jay and Ayden weren't home. I spent the majority of the day on Sunday sitting outside reading and/or editing pictures. I didn't do a whole lot and Jay and Ayden ended up getting home WAY earlier than I had anticipated, especially since Jay had told me that they were planning on staying later. Oh well, it was nice to have my boys home and we enjoyed a relaxing afternoon at home together!

Busy Busy Busy (start of post number two)

I can't wait for tomorrow night! I am getting together with my two girl friends (possibly three if the third can make it) and I am going to take some pictures for my friends of their kiddos (and possibly my friend since she is currently pregnant with twins). I've taken pictures for my one friend twice already and just wants a few of her little one for her 12 month pictures. And the other one I haven't taken pictures for before, but I am super stoked! The weather is supposed to be gorgeous and afterwards we are heading back to my place for supper. I love girls nights, even with the kiddos, just a few hours together makes the week that much better!

Then this weekend Ayden and I will be all over the place. Jay is leaving Friday night to go turkey hunting out by his friend in Minnesota. Technically they will be hunting in Wisconsin, but his friend lives right across the border in Minnesota. Anyways, it will be just me and Ayden this weekend. He has soccer Saturday morning, then we are headed to take some senior pictures for my friend's brother and ride some carnivals rides since it is the friend who's family own the carnival (don't know if I ever mentioned that or not), then off to a birthday party and then home at the end of the day. On Sunday we are headed to my friend's baby shower! I'm excited, however I won't know anyone there since none of our friends are able to make it. That's a bummer, but I can't not go! It will be fun either way, I hope! Lol! I'm shy around new people.

In debt forever?! (start of post number three)

Jay printed off his final loan amount for college the other day. SCARY! I won't even put how much it is, that's how much it sucks! All I have to say is, ugh! Seriously, the amount of money to go to college sucks ass! I'd say about half the amount of his loan was for the cost of college for five years and the other half was for cost of living during that time. And unfortunately, even though we are not in credit card debt, we didn't necessarily live stingily (is that a word) either. While we don't have every high tech gear thing out there, nor the name brand clothes, or a huge house or awesome vehicles, we do have cable, we do have high speed internet, we do have cellphones, etc... all of those costs add up. And now... we'll be paying off student loans (mine and Jay's together) for probably a SIGNIFICANT amount of time. Its not so much the amount of the loans that bothers me, its that I hope when I graduate, both Jay and I will be bringing in enough money to not only continue to live as we are (at least) and still make a loan payment each month. Because damn if I am paying $40,000+ (and this is just for my doctorate degree, not counting my undergrad loans) for a doctorate degree to not be making at least enough to continue living as we are now. I don't know...

For the most part I try and push this all of my mind as time continues to fly past me. I figure, we aren't in thousands and thousands of dollars for credit card debt and our both of ours credit is good. So that is good, right? As well, I keep reminding myself that we are not the ONLY ones in student loan debt. I read a post on this forum that I frequent and it was about how much student loan debt you were in. I wasn't brave enough to post the amount, however it sort of damped my fears reading that there were others out there who were in just as much, if not more debt that Jay and myself and they weren't ALL doctors or lawyers (hehe!). It took a weight off my shoulders for a little while. It just scares me a little bit because many (I'm not going to say all) people I talk to about the degree I'm getting automatically asume that since I'm getting a doctorate degree that I'll be making the big bucks. Just because I'm getting a doctorate, doesn't mean I'm going to be a medical doctor. Yes, I will have AuD at the end of my name which means I can put Dr. in front of it, however, the median salary for audiologists in Wisconsin isn't over $70,000. That my friends, really isn't THAT much in the grand scheme of things, especially since I'll have gone to school for SO long! If you divide that out (minus any tax stuff because I don't know how that all works)... it works out to roughly $35 an hour. Now that seems like a lot, however the $70,000 doesn't. And maybe that amount really is a lot, however I'm used to living off of like $20,000 a year and with the amount of loans we will have, I'm just scared.

I suppose that I should factor in Jay's hopeful yearly amount as well. But we won't really know what that is for a couple of years depending upon what he ends up doing. Don't get me started on that, lol!

Okay... this is super long, I should probably just end it now...