Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Catchin' Up

I've been a 'bad' blogger lately, or feel like I have been. No excuse other than I've been too lazy too after I would get my fill of photo editing done at the end of the day. That, and I've read two books in the last week and haven't felt like doing any blogging. Oh, I keep up with my stalking reading, but that has been my extent. I feel kind of out of sorts lately. Like so much running through my head that I'd like to get out and write down, but this is a public blog and I don't know if I'd feel comfortable writing it all. I'm big on writing how I'm feeling, I've been journaling for a LONG time and never before have kept my feelings in check when it comes to that, but I feel like I've been doing that more and more on here. It has become more of a day to day talk about our activities versus about how I'm feeling. As I've always talked about what is going on while journaling, I also used to write a lot about how I felt about a certain situation. Maybe it's the fact that I write it down, it makes things a little more real. I don't know... I also know that because I do have people reading this, however few... I'm afraid of judgment, even silent judgment. I try to pride myself on not caring about what other people think, but sometimes it cannot be helped. Well, I'm going to try and be more open (at least in my terms) when I write versus just writing about our daily happenings.

To start off, we haven't been extremely busy lately, at least during the week. This past weekend we were gone from Thursday afternoon until late Saturday night, but it was lots of fun! Ayden and I headed out Thursday afternoon for my mom's house. We could have left later, but he was getting kind of antsy and so I decided to leave around 3:30pm. That put us in Appleton traffic just before 5pm and let me tell you, I thought Fridays 5pm traffic was bad, I just might revise that to Thursdays suck worse! The only bad part about it is that we have to travel one of the busiest stretches of highway in order to get to our house. Those maybe five miles of road are definitely not on the top of my list, not to mention there are two on ramps close together and they are just before going over a bridge! Well, we made it through there okay and home in time to make supper for my brother and sister. I made hamburger helper (one of my specialties) and we had a yummy supper. It was nice to have my sister home as well to help keep Ayden busy. Plus we get along very well and its always nice to catch up on the gossip with her, hehe!

The rest of the night was kind of laid back as we watched some TV and Ayden played. My mom didn't get home until after 10pm because she had to work late. Ayden and I slept on our air mattress on the living room floor. I slept like absolute crap Thursday night, but redeemed myself Friday night (because I was so tired)!

It was an early morning on Friday as we had to leave for Madison by 8:15am for my brother’s pre-op appointment. I went along with my mom to act as co-pilot like I did last time. Jay’s mom watched Ayden and it sounded like he had a pretty good day because they went down to the lake and Ayden got to play with another little boy his age. Guess they had lots and lots of fun!

We didn’t get lost on the way to Madison which was good… no detours scenic routes this time. My brother had to meet with the care coordinator person who went through all of the surgery stuff with him and my mom and then had a physical before getting his CT scan. All in all the visit went pretty fast giving the fact we had three different people to meet with. And we totally rocked navigating the hospitals as well. We got home by about 4pm (I think, can’t remember for sure) and then I went to relieve Jay’s mom of Ayden. Ah, like grandparents need to be relieved, lol!

We made supper and some yummy Wild Tree brownies for dessert! And boy were they yummy! We ate the whole pan by the next day! So thick and delicious!!! We topped them with a little lot of powered sugar since I mistakenly let Ayden do the honors with that, hehe! Like he needed anymore sugar!

Saturday was our day of fun! My mom had off from work which doesn’t happen very often on the weekend, but wouldn’t you know that the weather was pretty sucky. Friday was worse, but Saturday was no picnic either, although we did have a picnic. We went down the lake and climbed the tower… only to get the top and have Ayden tell us that he wanted to go back down right away. Okay kid, do you ever slow down?! But my legs didn’t hurt as much the next day as I thought they would from climbing the tower. My mom, sister, Ayden, and I had a picnic next to the water with sweatshirts on… but it was fun!

Since we had headed to the lake to find some seashells, we started our search after lunch… however we couldn’t find any where we were so my sister suggested another beach site to try. Off to the county park and wouldn’t you know, we found some sea shells! Our main goal was to collect some so we could make a wave machine once we got home! An ice cream later and it was back to grandma’s house, but only for a little while since my sister got a hold of our cousin Amanda, who happens to be selling her Lia Sophia jewelry, and then headed over there to do some retail therapy!

Oh and shop we did! My mom graced me with an early birthday present by paying for some of my picks! Yeah to moms and early birthday presents because I sure stocked up on some new jewelry and yeah to cousins (and their super cute kids!) who were gracious enough to let us come over to do some shopping!

After a supper of burgers on the grill, Ayden and I headed out to another get together of Jay’s mom’s side of the family back down by the lake. By this point it was already 7pm and we had an hour and a half drive home yet, but Ayden wanted to stop in and I am glad that we did. He had so much fun playing with his little cousin Baden for the two hours that we were there! They searched for shells again and played tag and hide and seek with their aunts! Lots of fun!!!

We left around 9pm and got home before 11pm, but not before getting stuck behind a train! The short cut to our house ended up being the long route Saturday night and after realizing the train was moving at about a snails pace and really wanting to be home, I turned around (thankfully no one came up behind me and blocked me in) and took the extra mile long route to our house. Who knows how long we would have had to wait for that train to get moving again.

And speaking of getting stuck behind a train, the same thing happened today… only Ayden and I waited it out this time and ended up sitting there for probably a good 15 minutes before the train finally cleared… at least this time we were not the only ones. And Ayden didn’t mind so we just sat there.

This is getting long and I didn’t get much of what I wanted to say written, but I’ve lost the blogging mood at this moment so will catch up more a little later…