Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The First Step to…

recovery is admitting you have a problem.

I am a chocoholic!

WAIT! Am I sure this is something that I want to recover from?! I’m thinking not! I am just too addicted! I don’t think I could EVER give it up… well you know, it is just SO darn good!

I’ll be the first to admit that we are not necessarily health conscious in our house, however we do not go overboard and by every cookie in the cookie isle or every kind of ice cream or ever piece of candy that grabs our eye (although sometimes I’d like to). But, we usually have some sort of snack food in our house… something that is chocolate! However, we haven’t gone on a ‘big’ grocery excursion in a while and thus are running short on things. We have no chips, no cookies, no ice cream, nothing chocolate… that was until…

You see, I bought some stuff so I could organize a surprise package to my family from Ayden and myself and bought some candy for everyone. It has been sitting on my table for almost the last week and we’ve been good and haven’t dug into it. But last night was just too much for me! I needed something chocolate and so I had to open the kit kats I bought for my brother. I oh so graciously ate enough to satiate myself.

But it gets worse… today I had to dig into the Hershey’s kisses I bought for my mom because the kit kats were gone. They were one of those snack packs with the little ones in. I have helped myself to way too many Hershey kisses than should be allowed in one day. My bad for not getting that package out sooner so I wouldn’t have had to dig into them, but my self control just went out the window. I reason I can get them more candy at our next grocery trip… ugh, I’m such a chocoholic, lol!

In other news… Jay is off to a Brewer game tonight with his mom and grandparents. I don’t think he has ever been to one before and I hope that he has fun. It is my intention to never have to sit through that sort of thing as baseball is not really my thing. I’m not really a sports watcher at all though. I had to deal with a little bit of a fiasco as I told Ayden where Daddy was going when I picked him up from school today. I didn’t think that he would have a problem with it, but it started about a 45 minute crying/whining spree. I reasoned with him, but it didn’t really seem to help so I just let him get it out.

When we got home, he continued his crying and I made lunch for myself. I kept telling him over and over that when he was hungry he could let me know and I would fix lunch for him and after a while he came about and settled down. We talked about how there wasn’t enough tickets and that some day we would go to a game as well (even if it is just a Timber Rattlers game). And because we (him and Mommy) were stuck at home we decided to go to the park after supper (where Ayden made some quick friends who were very nice to share their fruit snacks with us) and then off to Dairy Queen for some yummy ice cream!

Here we are waiting for our order to come! They sure took long enough to make two blizzards and the place wasn’t even that busy. But I suppose that that was a good thing because Ayden was kind of loud… fewer people to annoy, hehe!

Nothing better than a good Oreo blizzard! We sat in silence as we dove into our yummy treats! They were so good… you know since I’m addicted to chocolate at this point!

Ayden ended up bring the majority of his blizzard home… but I scarfed down all of mine! It was only a small… but so yummy!

I’ve gotten ahead of the game and emailed my professors regarding which books I will need to buy for the fall semester. I’m thinking I will only need three books which is awesome considering textbooks do not run cheap these days. First off I emailed the grad student I observed with last semester to find out if we would know ahead of time or what and he told me that we had to email our professors and to not expect a response right away. Luckily, I only had three professors to email and two of the three have gotten back to me. One told me that he was still debating on which book to use and would let me know ASAP, one told me which one we need (which happens to only be about $65 new), and the other one replied with an out of the country automated reply until this weekend. Hopefully I will hear from him within the next week.

I am getting into the mood to go back to school or more so getting everything together. I did Ayden’s school shopping on Monday and managed to get all of his supplies for under $25! How great is that! Staples had some great sales… that and not much is needed for kindergarten and he had a backpack already and a folder. I also bought myself a computer chair for $10 and some mechanical pencils for 50 cents (like 10 pencils), and a pack of probably 30 pens for $6. So we probably didn’t need any pens, but this will keep the stock supplied. That, and well I didn’t need anything else for me. I am going to print my own planner like last year and we already have enough binders and paper.