Monday, July 13, 2009

In Other News...

Where does the time go when you are having fun?! This last week just flew right by me and I didn't blog about a single minute of it. My excuse?! What? You are expecting an excuse from me?! Well okay... I have renewed my love for Photoshop Elements and have discovered a whole new world with it! Thus, much of my night after Ayden has gone to bed has been spent on my computer making new creations with the techniques that I have been learning. Oh and it has been SO much fun!!! The hours just fly by and before I know it, it's late, I haven't blogged, and it is time for bed...

Not to mention the fact that at least one night last week I was busy all night long at the SUGARLAND CONCERT!!! But first, let me tell you about the super fun that I had with my friends at the beach on Tuesday. Originally we were going to go to a water park, but the weather wasn't super warm for that, so we decided to do a picnic at the beach instead. Two plusses to that... it is A LOT closer and it is FREE! So that is where we headed... me and Ayden, my friend Leah, her son Seth, and her two nieces Aubrey and Sienna, my friend Robin and her son Tristan, and my friend Kristi and her daughter Lily.

Lots of kids for Ayden to play with and boy did we have a great afternoon! We went at noonish for the picnic and stayed until close to 3:30pm! Out in the sun all day playing with the kids was great fun and it was even more fun for me to catch up with my friends. A girls day out was sort of talked about, but I don't know if we will be able to plan anything before the end of the summer since we are all getting so busy. But it was nice to just get together for a while and with the kids occupying each other, we really got to just relax and chat. Obviously we were watching the kids as well, but you know how it goes. The kids had fun catching frogs and crayfish! I think they caught almost 20 crayfish, it was crazy! We definitely love the beach this year and with it being within biking distance, it is even better. Well, it was within biking distance at our old place too (probably closer) but it was harder to get there because of no sidewalks and busy roads... and I don't care for those when I have a four year old biking with me.

Wednesday night (as I said) was the Sugarland concert. We left for home about mid afternoon so we didn't have to rush anything too much. Jay and I were planning on meeting up with my friend, Niki, in Green Bay to eat at Hu Hot for supper. She then told me that her boyfriend would be joining us as well. He was originally supposed to come, but then had to help his dad on the farm and then got done working early so decided to make it. It was fun! And besides, it was Hu Hot... it was DELICIOUS! I gave my friend my approval of her boyfriend (not that she needed it by any means) and Jay even said that he liked the guy. For Jay to like one of Niki's boyfriends is a big deal because normally he doesn't really care for them. Although, I have to say I think that he has met only about four of them now and well she's had quite a few boyfriends. I've met quite a few, and well there have been some good and some not so good... this guy... he seems like one of the good guys... so YEAH for her!

After Hu Hot it was off to the concert! I was super excited for it and it was super awesome! We heard Billy Currington before hand and he was really good too, although I didn't know as many of his songs and then it was time for the main event! Both Jay and I were superbly surprised at the energy that these performers put into their concerts! They were great!!! We expected it to be good, but not GREAT! We had good seats for the cheap seats price. I wouldn't have wanted to be on the floor anyways because then you couldn't see. We could see, although were not uber close... we were not ALL the way back either. Jay and I joked that we had the Housewives (and their mothers) of Brown County sitting in front of us. It was a group of rich women and their mom's and did they ever act like it. It was funny just watching them, lol! Originally I had wanted a t-shirt, but after seeing that they were charging $30 a piece, I passed! They weren't even that good looking anyways... and we had Hu Hot for supper! We got home around midnight and I was glad that we had decided to stay the night at his parent’s house instead of drive back to Point that night/early morning. The following are some pictures from the night. Like I said, not super close, but close enough and I thought for the quality of my camera that the pictures turned out pretty good.

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We left for Point in the morning around 7am which wasn’t too early. Made it back in time for work and school for Ayden which was what we were shooting for. It was a long day though and I was pretty tired, but we made it through it and I took a bit of a nap in the afternoon.

Friday was another gorgeous day (actually we have been having LOTS of gorgeous weather days lately) and Jay ended up not having to work because his employer was holding their annual rummage sale and apparently they got all of the mowing done earlier in the week. It was a nice surprise. We headed off to the beach as a family for a picnic lunch and some swimming in the afternoon. Jay had wanted to see the path that lead to the beach so we biked. Ayden really didn’t want to bike, but he did great! Our picnic was yummy, we’ve been eating lots of sandwiches these past few weeks, and had some fresh fruit to go along with it!

More crayfish catching and a relaxing afternoon in the cool basement rounded out our night! Saturday mid morningish I asked Ayden if he wanted to go fishing at all and he said that he would like to. I talked to Jay about it and he said we could as well (not that I needed his permission or anything), and as we were trying to figure out where we would go, he thought maybe we could go by his parents and take the boat out. Turns out we were making a spontaneous trip back home for the rest of the weekend. In a matter of a half hour we were packed and out the door. It is nice to be able to do that with Ayden at this age. I know precisely what we need and it isn’t much. I remember trips home when he was only a year old. I can’t imagine having to pack or remember everything for more than one kid so props to the parents who do! I’m sure my day will come… actually I hope that at some point it does!

Anyways, we were out on the lake by 3pm and didn’t get back to Jay’s parent’s house until almost 8pm! It was a GREAT afternoon out on the boat! We brought Jay’s brother along and went on a little lake since Lake Winnebago was too rough. I much prefer very calm lakes since I have this perpetual fear of tipping over (in all sorts of vehicles) and thus knew we would not have any problems. I mean, I think I was terrified enough last July 4th when we were out on the boat and were going to attempt forging a wicked Lake Winnebago after fireworks. Ugh… NO! So glad we didn’t! In any case, the water was calm, the weather was great, and the fish were biting!!! We caught at least 20 bluegills, two bullheads, and like one or two perch!

Saturday repeated itself on Sunday, only we were out from about noon-4pm and caught probably just as many fish, only we didn’t keep half as many! After some supper we headed back to Point and pretty much called it a night!

I’ll leave you with one of my favorite pictures that I’ve edited thus far…

…I’m in LOVE with this not so little guy!!!