Tuesday, July 14, 2009

One of those days…

I’m in one of those moods tonight, and have kind been in one all day long. It’s not exactly a bad mood, but it’s definitely not a good mood either. It’s kind of indescribable, but if you’ve ever been in one, you know what I’m talking about.

My morning at work was kind of blah. I got done what I needed to, but for the majority, it was just work. Usually I enjoy work, but today it was just there. I don’t know how to explain it.

After work I started a new book. I wasn’t to get sucked in the way I did, but I’m planning on almost finishing it tonight. Well, it is only 340 pages so it isn’t that big of a feat. In any case, I got sucked in and spent most of the afternoon reading while Ayden was playing.

First we went to Walmart to get some groceries… we didn’t get a whole lot. The only thing I think we NEEDED was milk, but grabbed a few extra things. I don’t particularly like cooking (if you haven’t noticed by now) and like to find things that make my duties in the kitchen short and sweet. And I have to say that since we’ve moved, I have not occupied our kitchen half as much as our old place. Partly because I’m just lazy when it comes to cooking, partly because Jay doesn’t keep up on the dishes as much as he used to, and partly because I don’t care for the layout of our kitchen just yet. I’m thinking about moving some things around yet to make it flow a little better, but haven’t really decided where I want to put things. That, and nothing seems to fit in the cupboards like I want them to, so it is just frustrating. It’s the one part of the new place that could be bigger. But I’ll deal…

So, Ayden was okay at Walmart. A little meltdown when he wanted a toy and I wouldn’t give in, but that’s life for you. He was super great all afternoon though so that made up for it. I feel like I was kind of short with him at parts… but we made it an okay day.

Maybe it was the dreary cloudy colder weather that we had today that sort of funked up my mood. Can I blame an ugly mood on the weather? Well, I am, lol!

So, I found this site where you can rent cameras from to sort of test them out. They rent out DSLR cameras for a nominal fee. I was thinking about renting one for our trip to Minnesota later this summer, but they rent for a minimum of four days and that would cost me $80 for the four days, not to mention if I wanted to rent a extra lens for it… which would probably add another $60, not to mention the optional $40 insurance I would want to get. I definitely love to test one out and think I could get some awesome pictures with it, but the whole travelling out of state with it, and it being almost $200 by the time I add everything in… I’ll stick with my point and shoot, plus it will be smaller to carry around.

Speaking of our trip… we have most of our summer booked up. Here is a list of what we have going on thus far…

July 16-18: Going to Madison with my mom and spending time with her and Ayden for the weekend

July 24-26: Going to Green Bay to spend the weekend with my best friend, races, demo derby, New Zoo, parade

July 31-Aug 2: Camping

Aug 3-8: Ayden at Jay’s parents

Aug 9-11: Minnesota trip

Aug 15-22: Ayden at my dad’s and his birthday party

Aug 29: Corn roast on my side

Sept 4-7: Rhinelander with Jay’s mom’s side

Quite the list, but I guess the weeks that Ayden is gone don’t really count for anything regarding me, but it is something on our list. It will be nice for the first day or so, but then I miss him like crazy. And him, he doesn’t even notice I’m gone. Okay, yeah, I’m sure he does, but he’s a kid and having fun is what it is all about for them!

So, I’m hoping tomorrow goes a little better than today and the rest of my week turns around! I’m looking forward to a fun weekend at my mom’s house and with my brother and sister there as well, it will give me a little break from Ayden. Always nice to have some extra hands… you mom’s know what I’m talking about.