Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Changes I Mentioned…

… were carried out yesterday. Without going into the hows and whys of it, I am with a new second year mentor. Probably should have been placed with her from the beginning, but I don’t work the schedule so whatever. And so far so GOOD!

I now have clinic on Tuesday mornings instead of Thursday mornings, but we also have clinic this Thursday morning since my second year decided to take over this weeks slot. Works for me since we’ll only have clinic on Thursday morning once more for the rest of the semester. As it turns out, I am able to go Thursday morning as well which is good I guess. I mean I’d rather not have clinic twice a week, but not much I can do about it and I figure the more experience the better, right? Yes, right!

Today went really well. We were done a little early, but I was even able to do some stuff. I also helped with some hearing aid stuff which was good as well because I need to get experience in that too.

It is only Tuesday night and already it has been a pretty eventful week…

Monday morning we had our first ‘in class’ exam and our professor was going to allow us students (the whole three of us) to start at 7:30 instead of 8am for an extra half hour of time. We were all okay with that because none of us like to be rushed. The extra half hour actually was pretty nice. I got to campus around 7:15 to give myself a few extra minutes of study time and was sitting down in our classroom reading over my notes when all of a sudden the lights go out. We have sensored lights on campus and if there is not enough movement in the classroom, the lights go out. I thought that that was the case until I turned around and realized that the hall lights had gone out as well. The campus had lost power! The generators quickly kicked in, but they only lit up the hallways. Can’t really take a test in the dark now can you?

Our professor probably would have pushed back the test had we asked her to, but we were ready to just get it over with so we decided to find another spot to take it. First we tried the grad room, but that wasn’t completely lit and it was kind of noisy. Then we realized that the lights in the sound suites were working so we went in there to take the test. It was nice and quiet, but I’ll admit that it was kind of weird taking a test in there. Oh well. For the most part I thought that the test was pretty easy, but won’t know for sure until I get my grade back probably tomorrow or sometime next week. I’m not too worried about it though. Turns out the power outage was due to a construction mishap on campus and it was restored to most of the campus by about 8:30am.

As if that didn’t add enough excitement to the week already, today the campus was put on lockdown when someone thought they saw a student with a gun on campus. Security and the city police were called and as it turned out it was just a prop for an acting class. I don’t know if the prop was a ‘toy gun’ or something that just looked like a gun when it was wrapped up. It was not in the building I am in all day nor did I know about it until we got an email later in the day. They did announce something over the PA system, but I was in clinic at that time and didn’t hear what was said. I did hear some beeps, but we were busy and didn’t really pay attention to them. Apparently it was big enough to hit the news though because Jay’s mom called him about it. Did they have nothing better to report on today than a false alarm at our school? Especially since his parent’s local news station does not cover our area. Oh well…

It snowed out by us yesterday, like pretty much all day! I am happy to report that just about NONE of it stuck, but it was really depressing to see it. Personally I am not a snow person! I’m not a cold person either! That is why I am looking forward to nice some sunny weather on Saturday and Sunday. It isn’t supposed to get really warm or anything, but warmer than what we have been having and sunny and I am having some friends over and we want to be outside doing some stuff so good weather is making me happy!

Overall I have just been really happy lately… or optimistic I guess is the best way to put it. Of course things aren’t always going my way or perfect, but I’ve been trying really hard to look at the bright side of things. We can’t control anything anyways, even when we think that we can… we can’t. So, I am happy with whatever is going to happen. Or at least I’m trying to be. Take this whole clinic ‘experience’ and how everything went down. I could be really pissed and upset about how things turned out, but I’m not. I forgot about an appointment that I had today and I definitely felt bad about that, but we were able to still make it happen and everything was okay. Was I down on myself for a little bit, yes, but I looked at the bright side… we still were able to get done what needed to get done. I guess it also helps that I haven’t been too overly stressed lately. I’ve been busy yes, but not overly stressed. If I don’t let myself get stressed, then I won’t get stressed, right? Wrong, but at least I can think positively!

I haven’t heard from one of my friends in a couple of weeks. If anything is sort of putting a damper on my mood, it is that. I've been trying not to think about it and being so busy helps with that, but it is upsetting because I thought that we had finally reached some common ground on some things. I’m trying to think positive about this as well and that something else must be up, but as each day goes by it is a little harder. Oh well, I won’t concentrate on it right now because I don’t want to get down.

For now, it’s off to work on some flash cards for my test next Wednesday, watching an 18 Kids and Counting Special tonight, going to school early tomorrow to print some stuff, working my way through a normally long Wednesday, clinic Thursday, and clinical practicum on Friday. It will be a good week! Plus Ayden starts hockey on Saturday and my friends are coming to visit! Be ready for some pictures after this weekend! I can’t believe that we are almost half way through October! Eight more weeks and it’s done with semester one of grad school!