Monday, October 26, 2009

Uncreative Post Title Inserted… HERE!

I’m in a blah mood at the present moment and have been pretty much all day. I got the ‘prescribed’ amount of 8 hours of sleep last night that the commercials recommend for adults, but its not enough for me. I’m tired… I feel headachy… I’m knocking on wood over and over that I’m not getting sick. I’m hoping against hope that I’m just tired and with enough sleep tonight will be back to 100% percent tomorrow. Is it better luck to keep my fingers crossed or uncrossed?!

I had two classes today of which the first one went well and the second one… I don’t think I got a thing out of it today. It was definitely a wasted hour that I took some notes in, but don’t know if any of them actually make sense or were worth actually writing down, but I needed to do something to keep my mind from wandering all around.

Then I went to work for a little while and then came home. It was nice to come home and have a semi relaxing afternoon at home. Our landlord finally came over to look at the few things that needed to be fixed since we moved in. Nothing major that we couldn’t live with so it hasn’t been a big deal to us that these minor things haven’t been done for the past couple of months. Since Jay was at work I took care of that. Everything will be in order on Friday which is nice. We are getting a new faucet, dishwasher fixed, Ayden’s bedroom door fixed, and office light in the basement fixed. All is well!

I also worked on my lab write up for a bit. Shouldn’t be too hard from what I was seeing which is good and then I took about a half hour nap which probably made me more tired that I am already am. Oh and I did three loads of laundry so I don’t get behind on that again. Of course I haven’t folded the last load yet, but at least I hung up the first two.

Tonight we need to run and get a few groceries. I really don’t feel like it, but we need some milk and cereal and a few other things, can’t really be avoided, that is unless I don’t feel like having breakfast in the morning and really I am a breakfast person, lol!

And then tomorrow is my clinic day and we have three hearing aid things so that should go well too… or so I’m hoping.

So, I need to get out of this funk I’m in today and be happy. I’m also feeling kind of down because I’m having some friend drama. Drama that should have extinguished itself years ago, but hasn’t. I don’t feel like going into it, but its affecting me more than I should be letting it. Ugh! So, I’ll try to think positively!

Have I mentioned that I pulled off a 99/100 on my second grad school test! How exciting is that?! I was stoked to find that out considering I was expecting like a 95 AT BEST! The test must have been curved to a certain extent because otherwise I don’t know how I pulled that off… seriously, I don’t know how I could have done that well because I wasn’t that confident when I turned the test in. Oh well, I’m not complaining in the least! Yeah! Next test… two weeks maybe?! I don’t know, but I’m not worrying about them yet either.

We also have another lab practical at the end of the semester, but I’m not too nervous about that either. Despite being a first year clinician, I feel like I am gaining some confidence with working with the patients… every patient is a new experience and I try to take something away from each one.

This past weekend was kind of blah. We went home and didn’t get a lot done. Jay went hunting for a little bit. I’d say the only thing we got done was A LOT of eating, lol! We hit up Hu Hot Saturday afternoon and I definitely stuffed myself full there and then Jay’s mom made this delicious beef stew for supper and I stuffed myself with that. Oh, it was so yummy! And then Sunday was Steven’s birthday party and the food Jay’s parents prepared for that was delicious as well! Yummy barbequed wings, pizza, Grandma Hoerth cake (although it was poppy seed and I didn’t have any, Ayden had like three pieces), munchies, wild rice stew, all sorts of stuff, and let me tell you I ate my fair share there as well!