Thursday, October 8, 2009


...are on the horizon, well possibly! Today was my fifth week of clinic (sixth week of school technically, but we didn't have clinic the first week) and of those five clinic days, I've 'observed' with my mentor twice. And of those two times, both were UMOS where we weren't really doing anything in the first place and like two hearing aid checks. The third week he was sick, last week he switched clinic days with someone, and this week he is having some personal issues. Nothing I'm entirely sure on or would feel comfortable talking about on here. I mean, after all, its not my life and what I do know or think I know, really has nothing to do with me whatsoever. So its not up to me to talk about it, comment on it, etc... except only to say that I feel like I'm getting screwed when it comes to this whole mentoring thing!

As it goes, my other two classmates have had five weeks of successive mentoring from their second years and even though they might not know all that much more than me, I feel like I'm not getting all that I can from this mentoring program. With that said, I talked to my supervisor about it today and what needs to happen if things don't improve. I know I've stated before that during the times I did work with Dustin, he was very professional and helpful, however I would like some sort of consistency and with it being half way through the semester almost and us first years doing clinic on our own next semester, I would like to feel more prepared than I already am at this point. I have to say that the two times that I worked with Chad, another second year, I've learned stuff as well. That and I 'observed' under Chad last spring so I sort of know how he works things.

So, hopefully within the next week or so things get sorted out and become a little more consistent for my sake so the money that I am paying for this 'education' (haha!) isn't going to waste!

But overall, today was another good clinic day! We had a hearing aid consult with someone who's hearing aids were being returned from repair and a new hearing aid fit with someone. The second appointment ran a little long, but that was okay as well. We had some computer technology problems, love 'em, right?! And Chad and I (well mostly him) got both of our reports written up all before I had to head to work so that was good too. And when I left there were no hearing aid repairs in and hopefully it will stay that way since poor Chad got screwed with them last Thursday.

Anywhoo... I accomplished a whole lot of nothing last night. I revised my paper for my test that is now due on Monday instead of tomorrow and got that done and out of the way with. I have probably two of the four questions on the test completed with two more that I know some what of an answer, but not the whole thing. Instead, my friend told me about the sweatshirt sale that was going on right down the road from campus and well couldn't pass that up. We usually hit up the one in Wausau, but Point had one this year and last year and I decided to hit up this one instead. We headed over there and I found myself two sweatshirts and two tank tops and three sweatshirts and two t-shirts for Jay. All for a GREAT price! We stoked up last year on sweatshirts so I really didn't NEED anymore, but I'm a hoodie lover at heart and Jay needed some more for work because apparently he didn't have any, but then I found two in his work clothes pile when I got home. Oh well, he said he liked one of them too much to make it a work sweatshirt and wanted to keep it is a good one. Whatever floats his boat I guess.

So I didn't get home until about 6pm and then sorted through all the laundry I had laying around and did another load. I now have probably four baskets of laundry to fold and put away (all crammed into three baskets) which probably won't get done until this weekend. Our hall closet is empty of towels which NEVER happens, but because we have been swimming more lately, we use towels for that.

By the time I was done cleaning and what not I really didn’t feel like doing anything else and was in bed by 9pm…

I will be in bed much earlier tonight, it is only 7:20pm and I am already thinking about calling it a night, however Grey’s is on so it would be nice to cuddle up in bed and watch that and then fall asleep, not to mention that tomorrow is my day to sleep in. I actually get to sleep in more tomorrow than I do on Saturday morning. I can’t wait for Sunday morning though because Jay and Ayden won’t be home and I will get to sleep in for as long as I want and then get up and lay on the couch and do nothing all day long if I feel like it and after this week I just might feel like it, ha!

Off to get Ayden ready for bed since he was pretty tired after school as well… long day!