Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Study Break to Blog!

I am taking a much needed study break to blog a little bit… then it’s back to the books, well one book, not even a book, but a binder already filled with PowerPoints and articles (that I may or may not have even looked at yet) and lab reports. I have a much dreaded Instrumentation test tomorrow of which all of the second years say is really easy just so long as I know the answers to the questions that the professor asked in the powerpoints. So far… I feel moderately confident.

I was also able to meet with one of our professors from Madison today as he came to Point to go over our first tests with the first years. Turns out all the worrying and freaking out I did about this test was for nothing because we did not receive a grade. The test was effectively five questions long, of which everyone got the last question wrong. He explained what he was looking for in that question and asked us to redo it. Fine with me because it is easy enough. He also talked to us about our upcoming presentation at the end of the semester. We are no closer to deciding on a topic, but we do have some in mind. Turns out the one that we were thinking about doing was done last year by the second years. After I found that out I felt bad for bringing it up at our meeting because I didn’t want the prof thinking we were just taking their idea. Honestly, this was an original idea… I had every intention of asking the second years what they did, but didn’t get around to it before going to our meeting. In any case, we have a few weeks to decide and get started. It only has to be a 10 page paper between the three of us, which is like a little over three pages per person… totally easy!

Ayden stayed home from school these past two days. He woke up Sunday with a slight fever and the start of a cold. By the end of the day Sunday he was pretty worn out. I was hoping he would wake up Monday morning and all would be well, but unfortunately that was not the case. He had a worse temp Monday morning and thus wasn’t heading out to school. And since the schools want the children fever free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school, he was automatically home today as well. By the afternoon yesterday he was fever free, but still coughing. Today he was also fever free, but still not himself. We are hoping he is more energetic tomorrow morning, but won’t make him go to school if he isn’t feeling 100%, and besides, even if we did, they would just be calling us to pick him up anyways. So we will see. It would be nice if he was able to go to school because Wednesdays are our busy days… both for Jay and myself, but we’d deal I guess. I also have a test tomorrow afternoon, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right?

I’m looking forward to Thursday and Friday of this week. I had clinic today and it went well. I am starting to write more reports which is good and doing more in clinic which is also good, I guess, lol! Still kind of know nothing when it comes to hearing aids, but that is what next semester is for, right?! Not super nervous about having to be alone for clinic yet, but I will do whatever I have to do. I was super nervous about starting speech therapy by myself last year and I made it through that alright. Maybe I should have stuck with that?!

Ayden was supposed to have his second learn to skate practice tonight, but since he wasn’t feeling up to par we skipped it. He did great at his first practice and spent almost two hours on the ice which I thought was great! I hope he is that enthusiastic about it this weekend as well! Me… I don’t know what we’ve gotten ourselves into! The place that he takes lessons at is like an outdoor ice rink with a roof over it! Much colder than the ice rink that we started going to which means that I was definitely not dressed properly for when we went.

Okay, my half hour is up… back to studying for another half hour and then calling it a night! Wish me luck on my test! And if you haven’t checked out my latest pictures, I hope you do and enjoy them! I had so much fun taking pictures for my friend and her boyfriend! I even set up a shoot with another friend for this spring once the weather gets nice again. I don’t have the equipment to get super good lighting indoors and she has young kids that I don’t want to make sit outside in the cold for pictures and she is having another baby in the spring so I thought we’d wait and then I could try some newborn pics for her as well. Plus, she lives a ways away. Of course for free too since I’m not trying to start a business or anything, at least not at this point. Its just a fun hobby for me that I’m trying to improve at! I can’t wait! And inbetween now and then, I have other friends in the area with kids who I might just call up!

Okay, now I’m really going back to studying!