Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We stayed at home versus going home for this Halloween… the first time in the last four years! Every year since Ayden was born we have gone to my dad’s house and went trick or treating down the same two roads… the same two road that my brother, sister, and I used to go trick or treating on when we were young.

Ayden’s costumes have ranged from being a lion, to superman, a dragon, firefighter, and this year Optimus Prime. And for the first time in four years, my sister has not accompanied us on our trick or treating excursions… ah, but that is okay. I thought about going through my archives of photos and looking for pictures of him in each costume, but that would require going through cds upon cds looking for those pictures and I’m just not up to the right now. Oh well…

Anyways, we had no other reason to go home this weekend and thus decided to just find some places around here to go trick or treating, I mean our city is bigger than the one back home anyways, and with some help from my co-workers, we had some good places in mind. The thing is, Point definitely has its ‘good’ spots and its spots where I’d rather not go, I mean it being a college town and all. Obviously it is no Milwaukee or Madison, Green Bay, or even Appleton, but you know, it’s definitely bigger than where I grew up!

So anyways, trick or treating time rolls around and out we go! I’m happy to report that despite a little colder weather, we walked around for about an hour and hit up many houses before Ayden decided that he was done and wanted to go home and get warm. Jay and I both could have gone longer, but we weren’t going to make Ayden do anything he didn’t want to, especially since it was more for him.

IMG_2105(2)Optimus Prime and his daddy off to find another house with their light on… will they get a trick… or a treat?! Ayden was a little shy at first and didn’t want to go up to the house by himself at first, but after a few houses he was all for it!

halloweenAyden actually has an Optimus Prime helmet he got for his birthday that he was going to wear with his costume that even changed his voice, but then he decided not to because he said it was too heavy! Ah, he still looked cute with the one that came with his costume in the first place. Loved it! My Optimus Prime was too cute!

IMG_2101(2)And here he is in full robot mode! Trick or treat bucket all ready as well! We had a great time even though we were only out for a little while! Might even stay here again next year and do it again!

Other than trick or treating, the day was pretty laid back. I feel like I should be doing something for school, but I don’t have anything due this coming week except clinic stuff… so really I don’t have anything school wise to even do. Actually feels kind of nice though, and I’m relaxing with a good book this weekend. I got some great suggestions from friends on facebook, however I picked up a book that I already read about a year and a half ago. It is not too often that I reread a book, but this one was really good and I’m liking it just as much the second time around. I’m about half way through it and hope to finish it either tomorrow or Monday night, we’ll see.

Tomorrow is probably going to be another relaxing day… fold the laundry that I washed today and put it away, maybe go swimming at the Y, just enjoy some family time. I don’t know what the weather is supposed to be like, but if it is nice enough out we might even go outside for a little while. Who knows?! I like not having any plans or some place that we NEED to go.

Okay, off to read some more! Happy Halloween!