Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lifetime Movie Weekend

If that doesn’t describe it all… then I don’t know what does! Because that is precisely how I spent the bulk of my weekend, on the couch watching lifetime movies! Oh how I love me some lifetime movies!

Ayden had soccer on Saturday morning (bright and early) and boy was it super duper cold! He really didn’t want to play, but we somehow coaxed him out onto the field. His team this week consisted of four players. The other team only had five so it wasn’t too lopsided, but I thought that it was kind of funny that hardly anyone showed up. And next weekend hockey starts so Ayden won’t be there either… hopefully some of the other players show up. Anyways, the other three players were all really good for their age and Ayden’s team finally managed to win a game which was awesome! Ayden has grown increasingly less aggressive this season and really was acting kind of weird throughout the game on Saturday. I don’t know if we will sign him up for soccer in the spring… who knows?! It is free though in the spring since we are now members so maybe, can’t tell at this moment.

After soccer we came home and Jay and Ayden packed up to go home for the weekend. I was staying at our place and getting to relax. This past week wasn’t exactly stressful to say the least, but it was busy and I just needed some time to decompress and it was definitely nice to sit and watch some TV without really having anything to worry about. The lifetime channel was my friend this weekend and I watched my fair share of movies.

By the time I actually got to sit down and relax on Saturday, it was the afternoon. And I also spent an hour finishing my hearing science exam. I still don’t know if I have the correct answers for everything, but it will have to do I guess. I don’t know where else to go with it so I am leaving it as be and will see what kind of grade I get. Unfortunately in grad school you need to get pretty good grades to stay in the program… wish me luck!

I got to sleep in this morning which felt great! I stayed in bed until 9am! I know that doesn’t sound too late, but for me it was an extra three hours of sleep than my average… I loved it! And then I stayed in my pajamas until almost 11am when I finally got showered and ready for the day… which was spent watching more TV. Boy, I was super active this weekend, wasn’t I? I shed some tears watching some movies. I don’t know, but I’ve been sappier than ever lately when it comes to sad movies and today I actually had tears rolling down my cheeks when I was watching one. Pathetic… maybe? But at least it was a good movie.

I also got together with my friends for a study group later this afternoon for about two hours. I think I am relatively prepared for this test, or at least I hope I am. We’ll see tomorrow morning I guess. I need to study a little more tonight before I go to bed, but I don’t feel like there is anything that I really don’t know or understand which is good. Then a test next Wednesday, but not super concerned about that one at this point either. Start studying Tuesday a little bit probably.

Jay and Ayden got home early tonight and had a good weekend which was good.

This coming weekend I am having a friend and her boyfriend over and I am going to take some pictures for them too. My idea again, but I know she will enjoy them! Or at least I hope so. Hoping for some good weather so we can get some good shots. I have some good ideas in my head and hope we can pull them off. I am so getting into this photography thing, but like I’ve said before, don’t know if I could do it as a profession because I would be too worried about what my customers thought and if they were happy since I know I am not really that good. I like my style, if you can call it that, but know that everyone may not, and I definitely delete more pictures than I keep and have a lot of just ‘point and shoot’ types which I am fine with, but they aren’t ‘photography’ quality… if that makes any sense?!

Anyways, I’m excited for that and Ayden starting hockey. And we are going swimming at the Y on Sunday so even better! Should be tons of fun! And then the next two weekends we are potentially going home for… and then it is November already and only four weeks until the end of the semester. Ugh are we really that close to Christmas already?!

Today marks the five year mark of Jay’s brother’s death. I feel bad because I didn’t even know until one of his aunt’s said something about it on facebook. Jay and I were together for just about a year when he died and Ayden was just over a month old. Although Jay and I had been together for a year, I really didn’t get to know his brother all that much (or his family for that matter at that point yet), and so although his death affected me, definitely not in the direct way that it affected his immediate family members and those who knew his brother a lot more than I did.

It’s like the moment we found out is frozen in time in my head. I remember exactly what we were doing when Jay got the call, exactly how Jay’s face looked when he told me. I remember how slow the drive seemed to his parent’s house seemed from my mom’s even though they live like three miles apart. It’s not something I wish on anyone, but too many people know that pain. We can’t escape death, but can have faith that we’ll see that loved one again some day.

I feel bad that I didn’t remember the day. I feel bad that I didn’t know his brother very well. I feel bad that Ayden will only ever know him from the stories he hears. Jay hasn’t said anything about it (at least to me) today. He hardly ever talks about his brother anymore. I don’t know how often he thinks about him, but I don’t necessarily ask either. He’s only cried about it a handful of times (in front of me) since then. He told me once a year or so ago that he thought about his brother a lot and it was hard. I feel bad that its hard for him, but because it is such a sensitive topic I hesitate to ask him about it. I don’t want him to hurt anymore than he already does.

I’ve heard that the divorce rates are higher among families who have lost a child. I think if anything, Jay’s parents are only closer. I admire their relationship and hope Jay and I can share a love like that from hear on out. I don’t remember my parents like that and know that I don’t want my marriage resembling anything like that of my mom’s and dad’s subsequent ones. Obviously they have to be happy with their new spouses or they wouldn’t still be married, but I’ve seen the pitfalls of both of their second marriage as well. But I’m not exactly the same as either my mom or my dad so I know my marriage won’t be exactly like theirs either.

Okay, enough deep thought for tonight… back to hearing assessment and the fact that a small ear canal volume on a tymp reading could mean cerumen occlusion or the probe tip being against the wall of the ear canal. Just pretend like you understood what I just wrote. Trying to study here… lol!