Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Is it the weekend yet?!

First off, if any of those reading this haven’t already come across my cousin Amanda’s prayer request, I’d like to ask all of you to pray for Amanda’s sister, Amy, as she is just shy of being 34 weeks pregnant and her water broke this morning at 1am. (You can find each of their blogs by clicking on their name.) Thus far mom, baby, and dad are doing fine and labor will be started Friday morning if it doesn’t happen sooner. Please pray that mom and baby ‘come out’ of everything healthy and happy and dad as well! Thanks!!!

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I love this picture! I don’t know, there is just something about it. I’ve been practicing more and more with the new lens that I got a few weeks ago and cannot get over my fascination with being able to make the blurry background and with the awesome scenery outside it is totally cool to use Ayden as my subject, willing or unwilling, ha!

But it really has been one of those kind of weeks... I'm having one of those kind of weeks. Maybe I can attribute it to pre-pms?! You know, getting moody before regular pms? Although I wouldn't exactly say that I get pms-y either. I thought it was a good excuse though.

I've been more blah than anything. Working my way through the day by sort of just going through the motions. I'm looking forward to kind of sleeping in a little tomorrow and getting to really sleep in on Friday and finally on Saturday this week as well since it doesn't look like we will be going to hockey. Ugh, hockey...

From the looks of it at this point, we will be quitting hockey. Ayden is quite adamant about not continuing with it and gets visibly upset when we even talk about it. I've tried everything to get him to try it a few more times to see if he might like it, but NOTHING, even bribery, will work and I've decided that I WILL NOT be one of those mothers who pushes their child to do something they don't like. Obviously there are different reasons for making your child do something they don't want to and what not, but I don't want Ayden to be out skating crying because he really really doesn't want to and then make him shy away from even more sports. So, we'll see if he wants to give it a try on Saturday and if not, we'll return his equipment and maybe try it again in a few years. It is a bummer, no doubt, but oh well.

Ugh, I need to finish some homework and I really don't want to. It is nothing that bad, but it involves reading three articles and answering some questions. And then finishing my lab. I wish I could curl up on the couch and just shut off my brain. I have been thinking too much lately, not good for me. I've been complaining too much lately too, just ugh!

I slept really well last night which was really nice. It hasn’t happened in a couple of days so it was nice to last night, yeah! But the dreams I had were super weird. I know it had something to do with what I was thinking about before I went to sleep though so that explains it.

Its later in the day now and I’m feeling a little bit better about my week. My brain has sort of stopped thinking about things I didn’t want to think about and I’ve been trying to get back to the positive way of thinking.

I am printing off some pictures at this moment, I haven’t printed any new ones off for myself probably since the semester started so I thought I would take some new ones into the clinic tomorrow to put up on my best. You know… make it look more homey like, ha!

Then Criminal Minds is on in a little over a half hour and I am going to sit down, or  maybe lay down in bed and watch that. I finished my lab for Friday so I don’t have to worry about that anymore which is good, just need to look at two more articles before the clinic meeting in the morning. Ah, good ole clinic meeting. But since Ayden is going to be at the Y tomorrow because the kids don’t have school, I don’t have to worry about being home in time for him to get off the bus so if I need to stay after for anything that is fine. Actually, I should be able to get home at a pretty decent time because we have the clinic meeting and then I will head over to work for a little while and then probably back home for an afternoon of nothingness. I am SO tempted to start a book and I SO know that I shouldn’t, but seriously, it is hard for someone like me to LOVES LOVES LOVES to read to go for this long without diving into some good reading. HARD HARD HARD!

Okay, off for a bowl of oreo ice cream!