Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Day OFF!

I’m not going to finish the second half of the 50 things you didn’t know about me, at least not during this post. I don’t really feel like it.

Today was a nice day off for me. I didn’t actually have off as I still had to rise and shine before 7am, but only 15 minutes before that… 6:45am, versus the 6am that I had to the first three days this week. It felt nice to sleep in for a little while, that and I went to bed semi early last night. And I slept really well.

We had an 8am meeting for clinic which I think is such a waste of time, but whatever. Then I went to work for a little bit and since my boss is gone today and tomorrow and wasn’t there much yesterday, there was not a lot for me to do. After that I ran back to the clinic for a bit to do some revisions to a report and since that is all confidential information, it had to be done in the clinic. I was able to get that done and printed, but couldn’t find my supervisor so let my second year take care of that duty.

After that I hightailed it home and have been here ever since. It has been a great day so far. I folded and put away almost two weeks of clothes. How does that stuff creep up on me like that?! Way off topic, but if we ever have more kids, I keep thinking about how much stuff I have to do now and how it will get doubled or tripled with more kids and hope that I can managed it all. Sometimes I feel like I’m just hanging by the tips of my teeth and making it through. Although, if we have more kids, I keep telling myself that I won’t be busy after work with homework and studying… work will stay at work (hopefully) and home life will be home life. Or so I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

Anyways, I got the clothes folded and put away, ate some lunch, and then laid down and took a nap. And boy it as a nice nap. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken it because now I’m feeling kind of lazy. It was hard to make myself get up so I would be able to sleep tonight, but I think a nap does a body good sometimes. Tomorrow I only have one class and it should normally be a short day, but the lab that we have to do is going to take a long time I think and then I have to go to work for a little while. So, we will see how it goes. It doesn’t really matter to me if I have to be there all day long, because it has become the norm these days. It is just nice to finally have a day to relax and feel like I’m able to catch up.

I have one question to finish on a lab that is due tomorrow, but I’m not worried about it. I already have most of it done.

I had a test yesterday afternoon. It was relatively easy, but I had no idea how to do the extra credit question and don’t know if I got a 100% like my hearing assessment test, but I’m at least hoping for a passing grade. I know I didn’t fail it, but you need a 83% or higher to pass for our major, so who knows?

Ayden has been back to school yesterday and today. He was home on Monday and Tuesday. He had a fever on Sunday and half of Monday and the schools didn’t want him back until Wednesday. He has a cold, but nothing worse. The fever didn’t stick around long and he didn’t show any flu symptoms so I don’t think it was anything worse. He still has a bit of a cough and runny nose, but is doing well. Jay and I both bombarded him all day Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday with questions about how he was feeling. How is stomach, ears, throat, head, etc felt. At his age he is old enough to let you know. And all were fine, except he said his head hurt when he woke up on Monday morning and had his fever. And now that I’m finished writing this all, I’m pretty sure I already posted all about it already… oh well.

But boy was he crabby last night! I think it was a combination of still not being 100% healthy, having to get up early that morning, and five year old attitude. That and Jay had a short fuse last night as well so that didn’t make it better. I’m severely hoping that this afternoon and tonight go better because I so do not want another crabby kid.

Hockey/learn to skate on Saturday morning and then I’m thinking HuHot for lunch! Can’t wait! Now off to make a birthday card!