This is what I ‘get’ when I set up a sample photo shoot in my living room and try to take pictures of my cutie pie! He takes the camera from me and then instructs me on what to do. Its a fabulous picture if I don’t say so myself, right?! Haha! You gotta make the kid happy and make him happy I did. And then I realized that I, hey I think I look at least half way decent in this picture, why not try and ‘fix it up’ a bit and off I went… this is where before meets after…
From good picture taken my the little dude, to even better picture amped up a bit. I rather enjoy it for the fact that many pictures of myself I don’t particularly care for and am not often in front of the camera, but more so behind it!
I’ve been running virus scans on my computer all night so far. I’m pretty sure I have some sort of trojan virus on it, but the checks I’m running will not get rid of it. I get a warning every time I start my computer and then run a check to get rid of it and then my computer says that everything is good, and then the next time I start it up, it says it is back. And this is the Windows Defender on my computer… the regular Webroot virus detector I have my computer didn’t even pick it up! So then Windows Defender pointed me to an even better scan on their website for free and so I ran that which took over an hour and it picked up something different and a few other things, well I think the virus was the same thing. It was able to fix the other things it picked up, but couldn’t get rid of the virus. UGH! So, at this point in time, I am running ANOTHER full scan with the Windows Defender to see if it picks up anything.
My mom’s husband is a computer whiz, so I am bringing my computer home this weekend for him to look at. I’m hoping that he can get whatever is on my computer off and that it isn’t anything too bad. I mean, everything is running normally, which I think is good?! But you never know with these things and I need this computer to last me for quite some time yet. Like four years some time! I have faith that he’ll be able to fix whatever is wrong, I’m just hoping it is not ten times worse than what I think it is.
So the whole possible, pretty much sure, virus thing on my computer sort of has be bumming tonight and the fact that I messed up on some clinic reports today. I mean, not like completely bad or anything, but bad enough that I feel stupid about it. First, I was revising a report I had written earlier and making the changes that my supervisor had done, or so I thought. So once I got done with those changes, I accidently saved over her copy instead of making a new name, AH! And then it turns out that I didn’t actually make any changes at all, but deleted what she changed and kept what I originally wrote, bigger AAAHHH! I felt so stupid about it! It isn’t a big deal, but I felt dumb and it was a stupid mistake. Oh well though! So I’m kind of bumming about that!
Jay left to go home already so he could go hunting tomorrow. His classes are cancelled and he doesn’t have to work. He told me today that they are pretty much looking for work at this point because the weather has been so nice that they have been able to get all of their fall clean-ups done and then some. I suppose that that is a good thing, but as much as I wouldn’t like it to snow at all this winter, we do need some snow because that is how we get the bulk of our income in the winter. I just pray that this year there are no snow storms on or around Christmas Eve or Christmas because Jay needs a year off of having to work on those days and being dead tired when we visit family.
I am ready for tomorrow to be over. I have one class and then a meeting and then work. I was contemplating going to see New Moon tonight before Jay left to go home, but then I was thinking about it and I might just wait until it comes out on DVD. I mean, I really want to see it, but don’t feel this overwhelming NEED to see it. I’d like to, but it is not on my top priority. You know?!
I need to pack my clothes tomorrow and then Ayden and I can leave for the rest of the week. I packed Ayden’s stuff tonight so it shouldn’t be too bad, I hope.
We have only one week of clinic left and during that time is my practical exam! AH! Am I ready for that?! I did a full eval today by myself and it went well, I think, lol! I didn’t horribly screw up so that was good. Always room for improvement so I am not going to say that I’m perfect, or maybe even better than good. I’m probably average for being a first year at this point. Works for me I guess!
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