Monday, November 30, 2009

Bring IT On!

IT being my last day of clinic tomorrow morning! I am so ready to just go and get it over with… really really badly and I have this overwhelming feeling that it is all I am going to be dreaming about tonight no matter what I try and do so I don’t dream about it. I plan on going to be early because I slept craptasitcally last night and really would like a good night sleep before tomorrow morning… just might be nice, you know?

I don’t have to be in the clinic until 9am tomorrow, but should probably be in a little before that? I don’t know, I just have a hard time justifying being in at 7:30 when clinic doesn’t start until 9am, especially since whatever I have to do in the morning to get things ready takes at max a half hour. So get in at 7:30 and be done with everything by 8am and then sit around for an hour worrying about my practical exam? Not so much! But nevertheless, I will probably be in shortly after 7:30 to get everything up and running and start writing my report just to get ahead of the game. Sounds like a good plan to me! And to get out of the ABR that is scheduled at 9am with my second year and supervisor, I volunteered to go first with my practical… that and I really just wanted to get it over with so I wouldn’t be sitting there wondering and worrying about it the whole time.

In other news, thanks to staying on campus for three hours extra today that I really needed to because my second year had hearing aid duty and I really didn’t want to flake on her and go home because I was pretty sure that she wasn’t going to call me if anything came in… I stayed after I was done with work. I stayed and almost finished one lab that is due Friday, I stayed and not only started, but also finished a presentation that I have to due next Monday, I stayed and spent too much time getting bored. I’m not complaining about the lack of homework and projects that I have to do at the end of this semester because it is really relaxing, but there is just enough to keep me a little too busy to want to start my book over.

However, hopefully after tomorrow, I will feel a little more weight lifted off my shoulders with clinic being done and will be able to restart my Stephen King book that I bought a few weeks ago and never got into… hopefully! Because after clinic tomorrow, I will only have one or two questions on my lab to finish and then start studying for a final next week. Oh, I also have a small presentation to do for our clinic meeting on Thursday morning, but actually the other students have to answer the questions, I just have to read off a sheet of paper which is fine with me! I have the easy part! Not worried about that!

Speaking of wanting to get my book started… Jay just purchased the Kindle 2 for me to Christmas today! I’m so excited! And I would like to finish the book that I have sitting on my dresser before I download something new to try out the Kindle. And yes, I admit that I most likely will be ‘trying out’ my Kindle before Christmas… Jay and I are not really big on wrapping the gifts we get each other and waiting until the ‘day’ to open them. Mostly because they aren’t surprises and so it would be a waste of wrapping paper to wrap them and then wait. I suppose we could wait until Christmas, but well… we don’t. But we do for Ayden as obviously he doesn’t know what he is getting.

Well, most of the time he doesn’t know what he is getting. I’m such a ‘dumb’ mom this year because I put all of the presents that I bought so far in his closet thinking they would be fine in there for a day or two before I moved them to some place safe… stupid stupid move Ashley! Of course Ayden is going to find some reason that he needs to open his closet and then take that opportunity to go through the shopping bags in there to see what is in them and then question you about a few of the things that just might be for him. Of course he is! At least we have 25 days until Christmas… maybe he will forget by then! And of course I moved the presents now!

Here is the lovely Kindle 2 that I will be getting in the mail sometime next week! Merry Christmas to me! Can’t wait to get my hands on it! I’d wish for it to get here this weekend since Jay and Ayden will most likely be gone for most of it again, but I know that I wouldn’t get any of the studying done that I need to and/or read any of the book that is sitting lonely on my dresser right now. So, alas, despite me wanting it to come within the five days instead of nine days… next week sometime will most likely be perfect!

And here is the trailer to the movie Dear John… another of Nicholas Sparks books made into a movie. You know… The Notebook and Nights in Rodanthe. Both of which I loved, although I was slightly upset with the ending of Nights in Rodanthe just because well… it was sad! Anyways, I can’t remember well enough if I have read this book or not. I do not have it sitting downstairs among two other Nicholas Sparks books that I have yet to read (I really love his books!) which makes me believe that I haven’t read it yet. So, I’m thinking that that just might be the first book that I purchase with the Kindle and read. His books are usually really good and easy reads, not to mention sometimes tear jerkers. So yeah… anyways, this looks like a really good movie, not to mention that I think Channing Tatum is pretty easy on the eyes and I love the girl actress (sorry her name escapes me at this moment) in one movie which name also escapes me, ha! I’m so good, eh? Anyways, the girl actress is going to be in another movie coming out soon that looks good as well. Something about Romeo and Juliet…. chick flick to say the least. Hope you enjoy the trailer! I really did!

Other than school being done soon… I’d have to say that life is going pretty good for the most part. I’m relatively happy with everything that is going on. I know that things could be worse, but things could also be better. But I also know that I am more than grateful for everyone and everything in my life, so I need to be conscious of the days that things aren’t going exactly how I’d like them and appreciate what I do have because so many don’t even have that.

For now, I’m pretty stuck on that after tomorrow… I am clinic free for a MONTH AND A HALF! How great is that! Wish me luck with my practical exam! Time to get the little dude into bed!