Saturday, October 9, 2010

Name Frame

I’ve done name frames before… I did one for my cousin as a wedding gift and one for Jay’s parents as a Christmas gift, but both of those were using pictures that I had not taken but gotten elsewhere.

I’ve been wanting to do a name frame from pictures that I have taken for quite a while, but just haven’t gotten out to take the pictures. Well, last weekend when I was supposed to be studying, I went out and got five of the six letters that I needed to get. ‘R’ was hard to find and I googled other ‘nature letters’ to get ideas of what people used for it. I saw that on some websites they had used the side of a bench and then during this week I scoured campus until I found one that looked just like the ones online. LUCKY! And so today, while I should be studying for another test, I fished my computer design of our name frame!hoerthnameframe2My next ‘mission’ is to print off each picture individually and put them in a frame. But, custom frames are kind of expensive. I was lucky enough to find a six picture frame for Jay’s parents around Christmas time the other year so I’m hoping that I will be able to again this year. Thinking I just might go out and try and find some more letters because these would make good Christmas gifts again this year… only to different people! Maybe I will… maybe I won’t. Guess it all depends on how motivated I get as well!

I thought for my own pictures, it turned out pretty cool!

Okay, back to studying!