These past few days I’ve been making an attempt to spend some more time with Ayden. Lately I’ve been feeling more like the parent who just goes through the motions of being a parent and isn’t full aware. It makes me feel guilty and sad at the same time. I’ve always said that family first, school, and then work. And for the most part, it’s always been that way, even to the point where my grades have suffered (albeit not significantly). But I feel this semester I’ve put more emphasis on school than my family (work still just falls in where it can) and it’s been school school school and then Ayden and then Jay. When in reality it should be Jay and Ayden, then school.
I know most of all that Jay has been getting the shaft and know that I’m becoming aware of that fact, I want to change it. But, since he is gone for the weekend, I’ve been spending time with the other favorite guy in my life!
On Thursday, it was Ayden and I at Kristi’s house after school where he had fun.
Yesterday, I walked to get Ayden from school, something I haven’t done a whole lot of this school year (but did almost every day in the summer) and we enjoyed our walk home together. After we got home, we jumped on our bikes for a bike ride together. We both brought cameras so we could take some pictures of the pretty trees! I used my big camera and I let Ayden use my little camera (although he has three of his own, yes I know… a six year old has THREE cameras)! Two of them are actually ‘kid’ cameras that he received as gifts for either his birthday or Christmas from family members, and one is my sister’s old digital camera that she doesn’t use anymore.
We had a great bike ride, biking probably close to almost two miles! Here are some of the pictures that Ayden took while we were on our ride!
We went right under a train bridge and just as we got under it, a train started going across! Talk about scary when you weren’t expecting it!
Honey… you need to move your finger from in front of the flash! Hehe!
Ayden- ‘Mom, I’m going to take one that is crooked. Okay?’ Me-‘That’s fine buddy, mommy does it all the time!’ Haha!
We had such a fun time! I took a bunch of pictures as well, but that’s for another post.
Today I managed to get us outside again for some nature walking. Ayden was pretty crabby about it at first, but once we got to the place and he realized what we were going to be seeing he was in a much better mood! I didn’t bring my camera along this time because I wanted to just have fun with the little dude and not worry about getting this or that on camera. It was just me and him! And lucky that I didn’t bring my camera because the place we visited was a photog’s hotspot this morning. We saw one leaving with a family when we got there, and three others with families while we were there! Craziness! When I went last Sunday I didn’t see any there so I’m hoping that when I have a photo shoot there in a few weeks on a Sunday that there isn’t anyone else there because I’d feel like such an amateur. What am I talking about, I am a amateur!
After our nature walk, we had some more mommy and son time at Mickey D’s for lunch because I didn’t want to cook and Ayden was being so good! The rest of the afternoon was spent inside and out playing with legos and studying. SO much studying! But I think that I am actually starting to understand the stuff and I’m probably going to shoot myself for saying this, but liking the material. Probably because I am starting to understand it! I needed to take a break, thus another post in one day. Doesn’t happen too often these days!
Tomorrow means more studying, but hoping to do good on the test!
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