…is what my personality type is… if you can even put me into a category. I’m so back and forth right now that maybe I should be in a category of my own. But the more I read about Type A personalities, the more I fit into that one. Not all of the characteristics are good ones either, and I have a feeling that it is being this ‘Type A’ that has me all up in nerves and what not right now. Well, really I should say most of the time.
It’s the end of the semester and everything is culminating around me. I had a list of things that need to get done, but that was from a few weeks ago. I should rewrite a list of everything that needs to get done, but I’m sure that I would just forget to put something on it, lol!
So far… I have all of my speech clinic stuff done. Got that all done and completed today… turned in my clock hour form today which was kind of a relief. I also spoke with my supervisor and she said that my clinic grade would be the same as my midterm grade which was a 100%. I will miss her as a supervisor, but happy that I’ll be able to see her around in the next four years.
Next on my list is working out what I need to get signed and filled out for my aud hours. I emailed the clinic director about this and I think she sort of answered me by having my aud supervisor email me. Anyways, I also asked the clinic director about getting a morning slot for clinic in the fall because it would save us a day for before/after school care. Well, I asked her in my email so we will see what she says. Really, it shouldn’t be a problem, but you never know.
I still have a music paper to write (my goal for tonight) and a final to take in that class (goal for tomorrow night) and then everything is DONE for that class. Next comes my aud practicum on Tuesday at 2:30 and then most likely an IEP meeting for Ayden at 3:30 that day. I also need to meet with my aud supervisor for my eval of that (hoping for an A) and to get my hours signed for that.
Then next Wednesday I have my poster presentation for Hearing Science and then it’s study for the exams for Sociology and Hearing Science. All in all, the school portion of things is continuing to go smoothly and I’m not overwhelmed with that in and of itself.
Moving on to other things, we will be MOVING in a month! We gave our 60 day notice today and will be signing the new lease on Saturday. Jay and I really thought about it and weighed the pros and cons of everything and decided that this was the right move to make. And the landlords accepted us and are super nice, I really think we are making the ‘right’ next step in our lives. However, moving brings it’s own set of worries for me.
I don’t have to worry about packing or anything until after graduation which is nice, but we are moving across town which means there is a new school Ayden could possibly go to. I was under the impression that there is open enrollment in Stevens Point and you could chose which school you wanted your child to go to if there was space for them (pending your choice was different than the one the school district enrolled him/her in). My plan was to keep Ayden at his prospective new school, however my boss doesn’t think that is the case. There is a different school closer to our new place. I plan on calling the education center in Point and talking to them about it. This might also change where he will be going for his 4K program this summer as well.
As if that isn’t enough, I am already trying to get Ayden enrolled into the before/after school care program through the Y (it fills up quickly), however we have to go through our case worker and then the Y in order to see if we qualify for any assistance. One good thing is that I read the brochure wrong and at most we would be paying $170/month (with no assistance) for 5 sessions a week. I’m trying to get a morning clinic slot in the fall so we would only need 3 sessions a week which would save us $60/month and we would only have to pay $110/month (with no assistance). As it stands right now we will most likely be receiving no assistance from the county, long explanation regarding ‘education time’ etc etc, but might be able to receive some care through the Y, to which we would only be paying about $60/month for care. This is definitely better than the $300 we were paying for daycare per month and certainly much better than the $600 we would be paying without the assistance we are currently getting. So, we have to get all of that paperwork filled out and what not.
And then to make my day even WORSE, I went and looked up the total amount of debt that Jay and I are in (student loan wise, we only about about $1000 of credit card debt, which in and of itself is enough, but we haven’t used the card in over a year, just paying it off as we can afford to) and it really upset me when I calculated the number. I had a preconceived number in my head already, but needless to say, I was under by a big enough amount. I cringe to think that that number will probably increase by another $30,000 by the time I am done with grad school because grad students no longer receive grants and grad school for me is Madison tuition which is like $10,000/year, so it may be even more than an increase of $30,000. I try to relax and think that I will have my doctorate and will be making a decent amount of money. The projections are that Doctors of Audiology will be making a median amount of $75,000 in the coming years, but in retrospect… being a ‘doctor’, that isn’t a whole lot. Maybe it is to some people, and maybe it will be to me if I eventually make that, but considering the number of student loans we will have, I am fearful of what the future brings. I’m fearful of what we already owe and worry! I am a worry wort to the highest extent! I know that I shouldn’t be worrying and that everything will work out, even if it takes me 20 years to pay back my student loans (which it probably will). When I told Jay, he really didn’t even bat an eye. How can he be so nonchalant about it?
I feel like I should be excited that we are moving and jumping for joy, but really I have too much other stuff on my mind to even think about that right now.
My friend is having her baby (by schedule c-section) tomorrow morning. I am going to visit her tomorrow afternoon, either with one friend at 3:15ish or another around 5pm. I’m inclined to go later, first because then Jay will be home and I won’t have to take Ayden and secondly because the later I go, the more alert and less tired I think my friend might be. I suppose it could very well be the opposite, I have never been to visit anyone with a c-section before. I offered for her to drop her daughter off by us for a few hours tonight so her and her husband could get a last few hours of alone time before the new baby. She said she would call if they think of something to do. I’m so excited for her! She is a great person and a great friend! Not to mention great mommy and wife!
Speaking of babies… everyone should hop over to my cousins’ blogs and give them a big congrats! Amy just announced that her and her husband are expecting for the first time and her sister Amanda is going to be an auntie for the very first time! Super excited for them too! I love babies! Makes me want another one SO bad, but I know it’s not the right timing. I’ll be content just so long as the people around me keep having kids. Hehe… get my baby fill in that way!
Okay, time to get started on that music paper!