Thursday, April 9, 2009

Breath of Fresh Air

I feel like so much is starting to fall into place these past couple of weeks. Everything that I've been worrying about (and if you didn't already know, I'm a habitual worrier- I worry about anything and everything... even knowing there is nothing I can do to change things... I worry... I definitely need help with that/this) has sort of started to fall into place. I know that the iron clad details of many things are not worked out yet, but to have some sort of plan in my head of how things are potentially going to turn out is like a huge weight off of my shoulders. I know things can/will/and with me are bound to change in the blink of an eye... but it is not something that I am going to concentrate on right now.

First off, Jay and I are pretty sure what we are going to do for child care this summer. I might have stated that already in an old post, but there it is again. It feels good to know what is going to happen on that front. Also, both Jay and I have pretty much figured out our potential schedules for the fall. Actually, Jay has finally figured out what he wants to major in for college and how long it will be before he is done. He is going to switch majors once again. This time he will be going from the business major to the American studies major. His advisor said they are pretty much the same thing and the job outlooks are the same. He will be able to get the same kinds of job with either major. However, the American studies major is less strict about GPA and because the business major is doing so much restructuring there is a slim to none chance that Jay would even be accepted into the program itself, much less get into the classes that he needs. With this new plan of attack he will be able to graduate next May. We played around with a few options... a full summer and then fall classes and possibly graduate in the winter, however that would not work and would leave him with one class for the spring. Because of that we decided to not bombard him with school this summer, let me work full time like usual, and then he will have 12 credits each semester next year. Also, his fall schedule is looking very nice... morning classes all week and the whole rest of the day to work! I'm excited about that! When it comes to my schedule, my classes vary throughout the day and week, however it leaves me enough time to fit in work and extra hours on campus to get my clinic stuff done without having to worry about child care costs because Ayden will be in school. Also, from the looks of it we might only need before and after school care a few times a week. I don't know what my clinic schedule will be, however I do know the days that it will fall on (either a Tuesday or Thursday and either from 9-noon or 1-4pm)... so it is good to know that as well.

Also, Jay went to the parent meeting at Ayden's school yesterday and that went really well too. He came home with a bunch of papers... ugh school! Lol! But he said that Ayden was great at the meeting and got to meet his potential teacher. All of the kindergarten teachers were there and they met the little kids. Next week is his screening and I'm relieved to know that it will not just be Ayden and a teacher. There will be other kids there as well so it makes it more comfortable with the little guys. If it were just Ayden and a teacher/slp/whoever does the screening... I have a feeling that he would be painfully shy. Of course I could be wrong, I'm just going by what I see on a daily basis. Anyways, I also found out that we can go and meet his teacher the day before school starts which is great as well and take all of his school supplies in!

I had a great afternoon today… I had my first college field trip to the Aging and Disability Resource Center here in Stevens Point. We had to provide our own transportation so there was no bus full of senior ComD students, but I’m sure that would have been funny! I thought about not going because I thought it was going to be pretty boring, and well it was… but I decided to and one of my friends rode with me. On our way there she suggested that we go to Dairy Queen afterwards and since I didn’t need to get Ayden from school right away I was game! So after our totally awesome tour of the Lincoln Center we headed off to Dairy Queen for a much needed lunch at that point and chatted it up for quite a while. It was really fun and just what I needed. Of the five of us ComD girls that got close over the past two years… her and I have a lot in common. Four of us have children, but two of us four are older and them getting pregnant and having children wasn’t such a big deal since one already had adult children and the other one was 26 or 27 at the time. Kristi and I were both young and definitely did not have our mind set on having kids at the time. Although Kristi was in college at the time, it wasn’t something she was looking forward to at that point in her life. But we all know that we are not in control. And now Kristi is expecting her second little one in just a few short weeks. It was nice to be able to talk to someone who can relate to me. Obviously I have other friends who have children and family that is close in age to me, but they are all at different parts in their life and we all have different worries. Kristi and I not only are both in college, but we are in the same major. We have the same classes, the same stuff to complain about. Overall, it was just a very nice afternoon!

Oh oh oh!!! And the weather today was GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GORGEOUS!!! So much so that I walked around outside in a sweatshirt and WASN’T cold! I even braved it today and wore flip flops to class this morning. Oh how it felt nice to wear no socks or shoes! I am SO looking forward to summer! Actually… I am just looking forward to this weekend and the gorgeous weather that we are supposed to be having!

Tomorrow is Friday and that means HU HOT! And on the way to Hu Hot we are stopping in Waupaca to pick up a little something. I am so excited about tomorrow and this weekend. I am not excited about the prospect of yet another weekend where I get nothing done, but hey… what can I do? Lol! Maybe get my butt into gear tonight and get some of that Hearing Science paper done, I mean the first draft is only due next Thursday and I haven’t really read the article yet. It’s not as if I have ER to watch tonight either, right?