Wednesday, August 27, 2008

4K Teacher Introductions

Tonight we get to go to and meet Ayden's 4K teacher. She send out postcards to all the children in her class welcoming them. Ayden was so excited to get some mail all to himself. Usually we just get bills and junk mail, got to love being an adult, right? I'm excited for it, but I'm not so sure about Ayden. Today was water day at daycare and stupid me didn't bring any water stuff. Well, actually I didn't know it was going to be water day because when I picked him up yesterday they didn't have any signs up about it or tell me so technically it's not my fault. That's okay though, Ayden didn't seem too upset that I didn't bring his stuff. I told him that he will just have to stay dry and he said okay. I think he was just happy that his buddy Seth was there today. Tomorrow will probably be one of the last times they really get to play together as Ayden will be in the morning 4K and Seth in the afternoon one. I think I might have mentioned this already, but as you probably already know, that happens a lot during my writing. It's called being a parent and not remembering. At least that is what my mom claims, lol!

I am excited for tomorrow... our school money should be coming in. I'll be rich again! Oh wait, what I meant to say was that I'll be more in debt! In any case, there will be money in my back account because right now it's pretty darn empty. Also, that means I get to do a little shopping and this time for myself. I'd like to claim that I have been a good girl this summer when it comes to clothes buying and well I have. I bought maybe a handful of things for myself this summer (actually none of us got lots of new stuff this summer) and I thought I deserved a few new things for this fall. There are a few cute things from Walmart that I want to try on. It's not often that I find things at Walmart that I like, but we'll see. And there are also a few things from Target that have caught my eye. We will see if I come away with anything. I could stop at Kohls, but I'm sure I could spend WAY too much money there. Trying to get all credit card balances at zero.

I also want to get Ayden's pictures taken sometime this fall now that we will be able to afford it. I haven't had them taken since January and actually didn't get any of just him. This time it will most likely be most of Ayden, maybe a few family shots. Jay's not so sure about that, but I love family pictures! We'll see I guess. Sometime in the next month or so. I already know what I want Jay to wear, now I need to find coordinating clothes for me and Ayden. Actually, now that I think about it, I might actually have a good shirt for Ayden already too. Now it's just me... hmm... I am going to be doing some shopping tomorrow or Friday.

I have about 200 pages left in the book that I am reading. It started off a little confusing, but now I am really into it and will easily have it done by Tuesday. It is going to suck not having the time to read and relax anymore, but what can one do. I think that I got plenty of books in this summer and that is a good thing. I went and picked up my text books for class today. All relatively small (thank goodness) because I am one of those nerd students who brings their book to class just in case. Actually for a lot of my classes it has come in quite handy. We will have to see how this semester goes.

Gotta run now, Ayden just said he split his milk. 'Mom... it just slipped out of my hand.'