Monday, August 25, 2008

Soccer Mom!

Jack! It was a pretty good weekend... well a pretty great weekend actually. Busy busy busy like the last couple of weekends and the one thing that I am looking forward to about the fall is that it will hopefully be a little more restful. Well at least weekend wise, I have a feeling that this semester is going to be very busy and stressful, but hopefully I am wrong. I don't know?!

Friday was Jay's cousin's wedding. We didn't go to the actual wedding, but we heard that it was really pretty. We went to the reception and I thought the food was pretty good. We didn't stay all that long, really just until the cake was cut. I wasn't going to go to a wedding with Grandma Hoerth cake and then leave without even having a piece. I thought it was so cold in the building though. I should have brought some sort of jacket thing to wear so I wasn't so cold. I suppose that I wouldn't have been so cold had I actually done some dancing, but I'm not really that type of person. Well, I take that back. I can be the type of person around people I am more comfortable with. One would think after dating Jay for almost five years I would be pretty comfortable around his family, however despite the fact that I know most of them (found out yesterday that there are still ones that I don't know, lol) it doesn't necessarily mean I'm comfortable dancing like a fool in front of them. I will leave that up to Justin, lol... he just eats the attention up. I've proclaimed it before, I'm an introvert... that's me!

Okay, anyways, wedding went okay. Got home and in bed around 11pm and then it was off to get Ayden on Saturday morning. I had planned on spending the morning at my mom's house, but Ayden was ready to leave just a few minutes after we got there. I suppose, he had been there all week. I was okay with that and then we went back to Jay's house. Ayden kept whining about leaving for the corn roast, but we weren't going to leave until later in the afternoon. He was pretty good for most of the day. He was even pretty well behaved at the corn roast. We only stayed there for a couple of hours before Ayden was asking to go home again. I was fine with that as well because I was getting kind of bored. We got back to Jay's house again and sat down to watch a movie. Ayden played a little and we all went to bed around 10pm. I was surprised that Ayden stayed so well behaved until then, but if he hadn't, he would have been in bed way earlier. He slept until past 9am on Sunday morning which was GREAT! Not too often that happens. He also didn't have a nap the whole weekend! Oh well though...

Sunday was mini golfing and out to eat with my cousin and the bridemaids for the bachelorette party. Ayden and Jay and his family took the boat out to go fishing. Apparently that went pretty well and Ayden caught two fist and Gerald one. Everyone else got lots of bites, but nothing into the boat. Jay said he got kind of annoyed with Steven, and because I have been out on the boat fishing with Steven before, I knew exactly what he was talking about. Mini golfing with the girls was a lot of fun! It was nice to get away with them and chat it up for a while. I wish that we could all get together more often like that, but with me living in Point and Emily in GB (for the school year at least) it is hard. I did pretty good golfing for the first nine holes and then went downhill for the last nine. But that's okay... I came in 3rd place, not that score matters anyways. No holes in one for me, but two of my cousins got them! Yeah for them! Ayden was sad that he didn't get to come along, but I told him that we would go some other time and I know that he would really enjoy it too!

After the golfing it was out to eat. We ended up at a place called HuHot and at first I was a bit nervous because it's not too often that I have that type of food and didn't know if I would like it, but I was pleasantly surprised that it was soooo good! And it was fun to watch them cook it right in front of you too. And the price was very reasonable. I thougth Jay might like it, but when I explained it to him after I got home he didn't sound all that excited about it. Oh well, it's not like we have one here in Point anyways. We don't go out to eat all that often anyways, or at least try not to. It gets kind of pricey. I got back from the party around 6:30pm and to my surprise everyone else hadn't even eaten yet. Needless to say, we didn't get back to Point until after 9:30pm last night. It was a late night, but the drive went pretty fast. Probably because Jay and I talked most of the way. He even did pretty good driving too, lol.

I've come to the realization that my fear of his driving has to do with my lack of control over it. I hate to relinquish my control, lol. I'm a controlling witch, lol. Well maybe not that bad, but I do like things to go and be my way. But I'm a woman, who doesn't like that?! Okay I am sure that there are people out there.

Back to work and daycare today. The director at Ayden's daycare asked if we wanted him in the afternoon 4K instead of the morning because that is where most of his friend are going to be and I thought it might be a good idea, but after looking closer at our schedules, it will be easier to keep in him the morning one. I feel kind of bad that he won't be with his best friend, but he is young and can make new friends too. And the director didn't care either way, just a suggestion. I signed Ayden up for the soccer at the Y today... first game is September 6th! I'm so excited for him! I talked to him a little bit about it today and he seems excited about it. I've also decided that after soccer (it's only 7 weeks) we will do swimming lessons and then for the spring term it will be a gym class and then hopefully T-ball. I don't want to be running all over all the time with so many activities that he is in, so I thought one at time would be a good start for now and we will see how it goes. Get him out and meeting new other kids. I'll be sure to keep you updated on it all!