Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Host

Jack... Stephanie Meyer book number 2, might be started today! I say might because I haven't decided if I am still in the reading mood. I've read so many good reviews about the book that I want to read it and I would really like to get one more book in before classes start again. Plus it's a long book and I always feel good after reading a long book, lol. Wierd, I know. I'm crazy, but what can you do?

Jay told me something last night that made me feel really good. He told me that he missed Ayden. I never questioned whether or not he missed him because as a parent, you just do, but men are different than women with their feelings and so I could never tell whether or not he did a lot or just a little. I know that he appreciates the time that Ayden is gone more than I do. I love that Ayden was able to get his grandparent time in this summer, but I would have much rather had him at home with me for the three weeks that he wasn't. I miss my little guy!!! I talked to my mom last night and they had a great day at Bay Beach. I decided that I probably won't call tonight to check up on him. I would love to hear all about his day, but since we are nearing the end of the week I don't want to push him and then get him whining to come home. Although, I am sure my mom will call me anyways because she is like that.

I watched the movie 'Little Girl Lost' today. It of course was a Lifetime movie. It was sad throughout it and what not, but I didn't think it was anything tear jerking, until they got to the part where they revealed that yes indeed the little girl was the one that the mom was looking for. Even though it's just a movie, I couldn't help but cry with happiness. Well, it is a true story as well. I didn't quite have the tears streaming down my face, but they were on the edge of my eyes about ready to go tumbling over. I'm a sap like that, lol!

I haven't done much today. I worked this morning and was able to get a lot done, came home and did the laundry and then watched that movie. Oh and had some lunch somewhere in there. Lazy day... but it's prepping me for the busy weekend that I have ahead of me. I'm actually kind of getting sick of all this running around on the weekends. I mean, I knew that we would be busy in August every weekend, I just didn't think it would take so much out of me. We've done so much driving already this month. I really don't want to have to drive home and then back again. Of course we will, but still. I'm tempted to say screw it to Labor Day weekend in Rhinelander just to stay home and be lazy. Well isn't that what I am doing now, yes, but I want to be able to do that on a weekend with Jay and Ayden. I want us to just have some alone family time on the weekend. I know I'm sounding kind of whiny, but everyone can be whiny sometimes, right?

We will see about next weekend. See how much this weekend takes out of me and what kind of mood I am next week. I dunno... not that I don't mind seeing all the family and what not because we really don't get to see everyone all that much and so I should appreciate every second that we do, but I'm a self proclaimed introvert and I love my alone time. I need my alone time or I feel too overwhelmed.