Friday, August 15, 2008

Freebie Fanatic!

Hey Jack! It's been a nice Friday thus far... Ayden let me sleep in a little bit, and by that I mean like an extra 15 minutes. I was up as Jay was leaving for work, but then I layed down on the couch while Ayden soaked up a little morning cartoons. I don't think I showered until almost 10am! Ayden and I enjoyed a lazy morning watching cartoons and eating some breakfast. He was very good and we had some funny conversations. I also spent some of this morning download scrapbooking freebies from the internet. I found this awesome site that has a ton of freebies and got sort of addicted. I may claim to be creative and artistic like with scrapbooking things, but after looking at some of the pages that other people do I feel like a huge amateur. I have NOTHING on them and feel just a twinge of jealousy. I wish that my pages would turn out that cute or have awesome ideas like that, or maybe just the time to create them, lol! But seriously, they are so awesome!

Anyways, I downloaded a few kits and then Ayden and I played some games on the computer. He was doing Bob the Builder and Thomas the Train. He was actually doing pretty well, I was proud of him, and we were having lots of fun together as well. I was just about to get lunch started when Jay got home. He had said something earlier this morning about possibly being home early today, well hoping that they would only do some mowing and then call it a day, but I had no idea that he meant by noon. I was surprised and mega happy that he got home at that time.

Oh, before that though, Ayden and I were kicking a ball back and forth across the room. He has got quite the kick. I said that we could go outside, but he didn't want to. In any case, I think I have a future David Beckham on my hands here! Future Olympics star? I dunno?!

Later tonight now... Jay headed off to Alltel tonight to see if he could upgrade his phone/renew our contract. Techincally our renew date was at the beginning of September, but his phone has been acting up (I think I may have said something about this before) and thus tried to renew early. He took my phone along as well just incase he could get us both new phones. I wasn't expecting anything because then I would be let down when he came home empty handed. He was gone for over an hour so I thought that something was going down and/or there were a ton of people there. To my surprise, he came home two new phones in hand. Well actually they were in a bag. We got new phones! Well of course we payed a price for it too, but they were TONS cheaper than what we would have had to pay had we not renewed our contract... two more years with Alltel, but I have to say they've been good to us. We both got the LG Scoop. He got the one in orange and I got the one in purple. Our favorite things about them are the slide out keyboards... makes texting SO much easier! Now I just need to text a little more, lol! Don't think that that will be a problem.

I don't particularily care for our monthly bill, but we don't have a home phone line. If our Chartner internet doesn't go down soon, we might have to switch to Alltel internet as well. It would be slower than what we have now and my computer would be even slower because I'm wireless, but I don't know, our internet is kind of pricey and I don't care for that either. Ah, what we think we HAVE to have these days. Cable TV, high speed internet, fancy cell phones... etc! The luxuries that life affords us that aren't doing us any good. It's not the material things that matter. I don't need cable TV, we didn't have it for the first year and a half we lived up here, high speed internet is definitely an advantage when it comes to getting online for school stuff, and well cell phones are just more convient than having a land line.

After lunch today we went fishing again. This time we tried a different location (Wisconsin River) only to find out when we got there that they are draining part of it. Long story and kind of complicated and don't know all of the details, but Jay saw something about it on the news this morning and we both just kind of assumed that it wasn't going to be done in Point. Don't know why we assumed this, but we did. They had just started the draining process this morning and already the water was down a good two feet or more. It was actually kind of weird because you could see all of the stump fields, etc... We did catch some fish, well Ayden did I should say. We only brought his pole along because we didn't know how long we would be staying and if the fishing would be any good in the first place. What we did catch was only small blue gills and we threw them back right away. Ayden seemed to have a pretty good time.

While Jay was gone to the Alltel store Ayden and I went outside and played a bit of soccer. I taught him that during the game he can't touch the ball. He was doing pretty good dribbling the ball back and forth and keeping it away from me. Of course being mommy I wasn't playing full force or anything (not that I am any good at soccer anyways, lol). But it was good to see him having so much fun!

Tomorrow my aunt is having a corn roast at her house. It will be the third annual one, but the first one that we have been able to attend. In the past years we have not been at home. Before hand a bunch of us are going to the city pool to go swimming. I hope that a lot of my cousins come because that would be a lot of fun, especially since we don't see them all that often. Ayden is excited! And corn on the cob... YUMMY!!! The third time that I will be having it this year. Not sure if I mentioned this earlier this week, but Jay came home with some the other day and it was sooo good! Ayden loved it! And then on Sunday it is off to the Milwaukee zoo. This year it looks like we will have no rain, but the weather is supposed to get pretty warm, at least according to my mom. I haven't looked at the forecast since earlier this week. I am super excited though!

I probably won't be back until Sunday night (probably not even then if I get my book on Sunday) but then Monday for sure... don't miss me too much over the weekend as I am sure that everyone else will be busy doing something fun enjoying these last few weeks of the summer!

CIAO! LOVE ME!... Hope everyone enjoys my pictures... funny, I update pictures on here now more than on facebook, oh well...

Part of the 'Thank You' cards I'm making for the people who came/gave gifts to Ayden. Ayden wrote the 'thank you' and I scanned it in. Got the 'u' upside down, but I figured that people would get the meaning and can't be perfect everytime. I think he did GREAT!

Ayden's 4 cupcakes for 'almost turning 4' with the dinosaur candles. He loved them!

Ayden with his big hummer! It was a gift from my mom... actually Jim had bought one way back when they were really popular and didn't want it anymore so my mom gave it to Ayden for his birthday.

Here are some pretty flowers that Jay's grandma (Grandma Hoerth) picked and brought for us from her house. I thought they were so gorgeous and suprisingly are still holding up really nice!

Our sunflower... grown from seeds! We have two more heads on top that should be opening up pretty soon! I'm so excited, most of the stuff that I try growing doesn't even make it out of the ground, but I can't take too much credit for these as Jay does most of the watering.

Some of my decorations outside our apartment and my friend Victoria, her husband Chris, and son Parker on the tractor.

Ayden going around and giving hugs and kisses for the birthday presents. The lucky reciepent this time was Jay's grandma (Grandma Cook).

Alexis... doing a great model pose!

Jay's infamous friend JT... and in white shorts none the less! White shorts, seriously?!

Close up of Parker! Too cute!

My sister and I in our bridesmaid dresses for our cousin's wedding! They both fit perfect, just need a little hemming. Oh and of course my bra straps are showing, but I don't care...

Back view... love the lace up on it!

Ayden fishing on Grandpa and Grandma Hoerth's boat. We love boat rides!

The shirt I made for Ayden for his birthday party... I thought it was so cute, especially the 'almost turning 4' thing because he won't be four until next Friday.

Ayden standing outside by my lovely decorated door!


amanda said...

i totally love my LG Rumor from sprint...same thing as the LG Scoop from alltel. the slide out keyboard is so super nice for texting even though i don't do much of it...amy wants to get that phone too when her contract is up. we'll all have the same super cool phone. :o)