Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuesday Blahness

Jack...Did I allow a new source of addiction to enter my household? I hope not, but it just might be that I did. You see, Jay FINALLY got the Deadliest Catch computer game that he has been trying to get since the beginning of the summer. Actually, he got two of them because Amazon.com screwed up, and he got both of them for less than the price of one! Kind of sweet, eh? A free birthday present for JT and I think he might like it as well! At least I hope so. In any case, I expected Jay to play the new game last night, as any person would probably jump at the chance. He was even involving Ayden (as much as Ayden wanted to be involved), however… it was the coming to bed at I don’t even know what time because I woke up at 2am and he was in bed. I know it was after midnight because I wasn’t asleep yet then and he still wasn’t in bed. I don’t know, kinda disappointed me. But I can’t really say anything. It was just last night. I hope this doesn’t start a new trend… :(

Ayden keeps saying that we are going to go swimming today. I don’t know about that either. First off the weather isn’t all that spectacularly warm and I don’t even have any extra cash laying around. I told him we will have to wait and see about it this afternoon. I need to do some laundry today. Wait, didn’t I just do laundry? Yeah, but we have a pile of stuff that needs to get done again. It’s a never ending cycle and there is just three of us. I can’t imagine when I have more kids. And I do want more. Three or four more! Coming from someone who said they never wanted children in the first place. Secretly (well okay not so secretly because I’ve already told Jay and my mom) I want to have twins next. Of course I have no idea what I am saying and I know I’m already crazy so you don’t have to tell me that. I won’t be having any more kids for another 4 years at least (unless I win the lottery or something) and so that will make me 26… if I had two at a time it would take less time to get the kids I want. Lol, I’d like to be done having children by the time I am 30-35ish, so when the time is ‘right’ I want to get those baby making years agoing! Call me crazy… that’s okay! Like I said, I already know!

I get to pick up my books tomorrow for school. One of the big plusses about Point, we get to rent our books versus buy them. Of course the cost is built into our tuition, but it’s better than having the books laying around at the end of the semester and then trying to resell them and not getting half of what you paid for them. But then again, there are some books that I would like to have kept that would go well with my future career choice, but I can always go and buy those. Start my own Audiology library. I already have enough fiction books in my library, time to add some academic ones to the mix. Lol! But seriously though, my mom and I have so many books. She keeps a rather good inventory of them so that we don’t get duplicates. I commend her on that because there are books all over the house (both mine and hers) and to know where everything is and kept track of the ones coming in. I’d say we have well over 200 books (most hardcover too). That’s what happens when you get all those super deals from the book clubs.

Jay is attempting to make his own washer toss game. He found the blue prints online and got the wood for free at work so I said why not... Got an email from the clinic director at school today and it made the fact that I am starting clinic in less than a week all that more real. Although, she confused me with her email and I had to clarify some things with her and as it turned out she was wrong in one of her statements and did not apologize for the confusion and I am sure I was not the only one confused by the email. Oh well though, at least I know what to look for now. We get our clinic assignments as early as next Tuesday! I am scared beyond means to go into clinic. I feel like I don't remember anything from the last few semesters. I need to have some faith in myself, eh?

I've been waiting to hear from a friend of mine, but haven't in a few days. Not too bad I guess, but they were supposed to have a state eval last week and I'm kind of waiting to see how that went. Everyone was hoping for the best and I think it would be about time for things to go in favor of him this time, but who knows. Hopefully I will hear something within the next couple of days, but I have a feeling that it will be another year of waiting. I don't know...

Not so long today, but I'm not so in the mood right now... CIAO! LOVE ME!