Monday, August 11, 2008

Slackage over?!

Jackers... major slackage on my part lately. Sorry... I've just been doing a bit of relaxing. We've been so busy these past couple of weeks and will continue to be until the beginning of September so I'm trying to soak up what down time we have. I've also been thinking a lot. Me think? Yeah, I know, doesn't happen all that often, but when it does it's some serious stuff. Lol! No, but seriously, I've been thinking about a lot of things and re-evaluating my life. This happens every now and then. It's all a part of life, eh?

Today was a pretty decent day. I was meaning to get the laundry done as I am going to have to pack for Ayden for next week, but I didn't get the far. I did manage to get the kitchen closet back to some sort of organization and the kitchen table clean again. Mostly just moving the stuff from the table to other spots in the house. Ayden's room really needs to get cleaned again, but who knows when that will happen. Probably tomorrow or Friday when I am packing for him. Ayden and I both took a nap today. I have just been so tired lately. I only slept for about a half hour, but Ayden took a good nap. After he got up we played for a little bit and then Jay got home from work.

Actually, before nap time Jay called me and asked if I had any plans for tonight. I didn't and then he suggested that maybe we have a picnic and then go fishing. I was surprised that he would even want to do something like that, but happy as well. So, he got home from work and we got some stuff together and headed to Subway (the main course of our supper because we don't have any meat or bread at home) and then off to the river. We had our subs, chips, and drinks and then did some fishing. Ayden started off fishing and then quickly fell into the water. Thankfully the river that we were at was very shallow and that only led him to want to go in further. I resigned and him waid in with his sandles on until he started playing with the mud, that was it. While he was in the water, Jay and I took over the fishing part. We didn't get anything and after trying three different spots on the river I only ended up with a couple of bites, but no fish! Ayden was very well behaved for not fishing most of the time (although we only fished for maybe an hour, maybe a little less) and then we headed home.

Ayden has recently started taking showers. Yes, you read that right! My little guy, who used to love taking baths progressed from long soapy sudsy baths to just wanting quick wash offs to taking a shower all by himself. Okay, so I shouldn't say that it's exactly by himself. He is in the shower/tub by himself, but Jay or I are standing right outside watching him and helping with the soap and/or shampoo if he needs it. Just one more thing that he doesn't need my help with and it's only going to continue like this. But I'm honestly surprised because he used to not like water on his face or in his eyes and now he stands with his face in the water. It's crazy!

He also played his computer game that he got from my Dad for his birthday today. Mr. Independent didn't need my help with anything, nor did he want it. I think that he is really going to enjoy that game. It is actually the same game that we had checked out at the library a couple of months ago, but of course had to take it back, only this one has three more cds with it. It is the advanced game, so Ayden already knew the concept of it. He also is using his VSmile Pocket now too which is good. He's played it a few times in the car on the way to the store and daycare which is kind of what we had gotten it for. Well actually we got it for the long rides home, but the short ones work just as well.

Diesel (our cat) got outside on me this morning. I really thought that I was going to have a hard time catching him and getting him back in the house, not to mention that it was just about time for us to leave for daycare and work. But thankfully he didn't run off on me and I quickly caught him and hauled him back into the house. Ayden and I had a little talk about how we need to watch more carefully when we are going outside by the screen door.

Last night Jay and I layed in bed and watched the Olympics together. It was kind of nice to just lay and cuddle with him for a while, even if we were watching something that I wasn't totally into. We were watching the synchronized diving and it was pretty cool. I watched a bit of the swimming today, but that was only when one of my other shows was on a commercial. I hate commercials and can't stand them. I am a self proclaimed channel changer (if I haven't already mentioned that).

This week I got a huge project to work on at work. It's going through some excel file and deleting a bunch of names and weeding it out for some project that my bosses are going to be working on. To give you some sort of idea as to how big this file is... there are over 3000 names that I need to weed through. I am about 1/3 of the way through it and I've been working on it for almost two days now. Of course that two days only means a little over 5 hours because that's about as much as I've worked in the past two days.

That's it for now... CIAO! LOVE ME!