Friday, August 22, 2008


Jack- there is a Hoerth wedding today, and do you know what that means? I do... Grandma Hoerth cake! Okay, so I can't be sure that there will be Grandma Hoerth cake there, I can only hope because it is so good. I will be sure to report to you after the wedding whether or not there was any there. So yummy! I got a new dress for the wedding a couple of months back and I am excited to wear it tonight. I really like it and Jay says he does to. But men kind of have to say that stuff so us women don't get mad, lol!

On today 4 years ago at 8:31pm I became a mommy. Okay, so if you are being technical about it, I was a mommy before Ayden was even born, but you know what I was getting at. He weighed in at 8lbs 4oz and well I can't remember how long he was. Funny that I even remember the time, but I remember hearing someone say the time when he was born. What a wonderful experience! And now he's 4!!! My mom is still watching him... I called her earlier to say happy birthday to him, but he didn't want to talk to me for very long. I suppose that is a good thing because he isn't crying to come home yet. I cannot wait to go and pick him up tomorrow morning. My mom is making him a cake today. I don't know how much he understands about today being his birthday because we had his party already, but that is okay.

Tomorrow is a corn roast and grad party (I think) and then Sunday it's mini golfing for my cousin's bachorlette party. I'm excited! It should be lots of fun! I still have to pack my clothes and all. I hate packing! I have started and cleaned the apartment today. It got kind of messy looking after doing no cleaning at all this week. I finally got the laundry done as well. I have one basket that needs to be folded and put away yet, but I think I did pretty good.

I got my writing score back today for the GRE. The writing is scored out of six points and I was thinking I got at least a three or a four at the worst and I ended up with a 5! I was super excited to see that because then I am leaning even closer to not retaking the test. We'll see though... not something I want to think about futher right now, lol. It caused too much stress in my life in the first place, don't want to reinstate that stress just yet.

I probably won't be talking to you again until Sunday night or Monday sometime. Speaking of Monday, a two hour special of Prison Break is on. Old episodes of course, but I can start my Wentworth Miller time a week early and get a double dose. Oh do I find him gorgeous or what!!! Take a look for yourself... super yummy eye candy or what? It's probably a good thing Jay doesn't read this, he might get kind of upset that I'm drooling over some other guy. Talk about sex appeal! Okay, closing the jaw now and getting ready to go.