Monday, August 11, 2008

Blah blah blah... and more blah!

I finally have a minute to sit down and blog... FINALLY! I haven't even had much time to catch up on the blogs that I usually read on a daily basis. So after I'm done with my book of events that occured over the last four days, I will need to catch up on some good reading. Funny how I can find joy in the lives of others, right? They let me know that I am not alone in this place they call a world because sometimes I feel like I am...

Okay, so when was the last time I entertained you with the events that I call MY life? I'm thinking it was Wednesday before the dreaded GRE. I will oh so joyously pick up from there and boy do I have a lot to dish. I slept pretty well Wednesday night considering I would be taking this mega important test the next day. I got up and got ready for the test and was nervous as all get out. I tried to eat, managed a small bowl of cereal down and thankfully that is where it stayed. I thought I might throw it up, yes I was that nervous, but I didn't. I arrived at the testing site at 8am (parked in a parking lot to which I did not have a permit, praying I did not come out four hours later to see a ticket on my window or worse yet, my car towed) and proceeded to get ready for the test. Needed to sign a few documents before the testing got started and viola here begins the test. The two essays were first which was good and bad. I was glad to get them over with, but didn't want to have to use my brain that much right off the bat. I was lucky and think I got two pretty easy essay questions and think I did fairly well on them. Probably not a 6/6, but hopefully at least a 4/6 on both. I could deal with that. I was kind of bummed because I got done with the essays early, but could not proceed to the next sections of the test until the time ran out on the essays. So I probably sat for 15 minutes reading and rereading my essays to make sure everything was perfectly the way I wanted it and finally the time was up.

Next came the math part which I did way good on and then the verbal part of which I did the same as my practice tests. But wait... I thought I was done after that... nope! Then came ANOTHER math part!!! I couldn't believe it! I was all brained out and I had yet another whole section to do?! And because I didn't know if this was the actual test or just the research part I had to do good on it no matter what. In the end my score was ten points below what I had strived for. I haven't yet competely decided if I am going to retake the exam. I am going to talk to my professors and see what they suggest and go from there. I would like to not retake it. First for my sanity and secondly because it costs $140. If I decided to retake it, it would not be until after school starts because you are only allowed to take it once a month. After the test I went to work for a little while just to get my brain off of it and after work I crashed on the couch. I seriously could not do anything, not even clean! Jay was the sweetest boyfriend and had made reservations for us at a restaurant that we have been wanting to eat at since we moved here three years ago but haven't, however I had him cancel those because we didn't have the money for that kind of food at this point. Instead we sat at home both too lazy to make anything and finally decided to still go out to eat, only way cheaper at Arby's. But I LOVE Arby's and it was so yummy! It was also nice to just get out. I wasn't of much use that night. I even tried to start a new book, but I just could not get into it.

So that was Thursday... Friday was busy as well. Oh wait, forgot about something that happened Thursday night. My diligent readers know about the 'fued' between me and my best friend. So, I get an email from her on Thursday wishing me luck on my test and saying she would like to talk, that is, if I wanted to as well. Well, I didn't want to talk to her on Thursday night and seem to intrigued (maybe that's not the right word for it, but I cannot think of a better one right now) so I didn't call and kind of kept myself busy with the little bit of cleaning I did manage after we got home from Arby's. I ended up texting her saying that she could call in the morning if she wanted to before 11am. She did call, which I was glad about, and we talked for just over an hour. No apologies were given, but whatever. I'm not going to worry about that anymore, as long as the whole issue does not come up again. We talked like we hadn't even had a 'fight'. And I did find out that she was feeling kind of like I was about the whole not talking thing though because she dished that she was talking to a friend at work about how we hadn't talked in almost a month and we were best friends. She even came to Ayden's birthday party which I was even more excited about because I didn't think that she was going to because of our little rift. But I guess that I shouldn't jump to such conclusions about things, eh?

During the morning hours on Friday I cleaned some more and made two cds for my car to listen to, along with talking on the phone. And then 11am rolled around and it was time to head out to visit my friend. Down side, said friend currently lives an hour and a half away which meant three hours of driving. I arrived at my destination around 12:30 with no help from the GPS that I brought along. Okay, so I did use it, but at one point it told me to take a turn that I was pretty sure I wasn't supposed to take because I wasn't even to the city yet and then when I passed the turn it reconfigured it's directions and then they were correct. I was a little worried at first because I thought that it was going to get me lost, but I made it fine. I had told Jay ahead of time that I would only stay until 4:30pm, but I could have stayed the whole 8 hours. Surprisingly enough, Jay wasn't angry Friday morning when he left for work... of course that didn't last.

My visit went so fast! Of course though, any time spent with friends seems to go fast. It seemed like I was there for 10 minutes and it was already four hours later. Doesn't help any that I hadn't seem them since last September. Hopefully it will not be another year before a subsequent visit, but I'm not making any plans right now. Anywhoo, good times... lol... Merry Christmas! Sorry, private joke. However, happiness was short lived as Jay and I did get into it once I got home. Arguement also short lived, but an arguement none the less.

Then it was off to get my baby boy! We high tailed it over to the camp grounds where Jay's parents had taken up home for a couple of days. It just so happened that it was only about a ten minute drive from our apartment. Very nice considering all the driving that I had already done that day. Ayden was definitely excited to see us which is always fun to see. He told us all about his week at Grandpa and Grandma's and everything they had done while camping. We hung out there for a couple of hours and got home around 9:30pm. Ayden was allowed to stay up until 10pm, but then didn't fall asleep in his bed until almost 11pm. One would have thought that he was going to sleep in then on Saturday, but he didn't. Okay, I guess that was fine.

Saturday morning went by fast with more cleaning and getting ready to trek to Chilton for the family reunion. I think we made it to the reunion around 12:30... A bunch of people that neither Jay nor I knew, but it was still an okay time. Ayden slept on the drive which was good. We decided to take my car to save on gas and I drove. So, not only did we save on gas, but I didn't have to yell at Jay for his driving the whole way home. Lol, but the roads weren't that bad which was good. Jay and I sort of got into it in the car as well. First this, then that, and then he didn't like the music I was listening to. It was really pissing me off and finally he just layed the seat back and took a nap. He apologized later and said that he was tired, had a headache and just needed an outlet. Whatever, we got over it.

I got to hold baby Quinn at the party. Boy, he is a little chunker, but definitely a cute little chunker! I should have taken a picture, but of course didn't. I've been bad at my camera moments lately. Naughty Ashley! I think we stayed until about 4:30pm and then headed back to Point. My friend Victoria, her husband Chris, and their son Parker were coming over to spend the night before Ayden's party. We got home around 6pm and they arrived shortly there after. Jay went to get the rest of the food for the party and we went to the big blue park. I had taken them last year but Parker was still a baby and couldn't do anything. This year he is walking and had just as much fun as Ayden. It was great to see them enjoy it. Afterwards we came back the apartment and played for awhile and called it an early night. I think everyone slept halfway decent.

Sunday... PARTY DAY!!! I spent the whole morning decorating the apartment inside and out and Jay spent it in the kitchen prepping food. Victoria and Chris helped a little, but they also had their hands full with Parker. I miss that smallness, but I'm also glad that now that Ayden is older he can be trusted a little more and I don't have to keep my eye on him every second. Ayden had lots of fun pulling Parker around in the wagon hooked up the tractor. I think Parker had more fun out of the wagon, but oh well. Lol!

The party went really well, at least I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Food turned out good and even though we did have left overs it wasn't a ton. Ayden got so many toys again, I couldn't believe it. He is TOO spoiled. He got the big Hummer from my mom and then a smaller one from my sister. As expected, the TV from Jay's grandparents was the hit. That was the first one that he opened because it was the biggest and he was so excited. I wish that I would have gotten his reaction on tape because it was too cute. We haven't gotten it hooked up yet, but even so he loves it. He also got a cute dinosaur bedspread from Jay's parents among some other things. And even better... the weather was perfect! Casey's girlfriend even got him something which was really nice of her. And JT showed up! Wowsers, lol, considering I didn't even think Jay told him about the party. Actually, him and his girlfriend, Kelsey, came for a little while which was a nice surprise.

Speaking of JT... Jay and Ayden are gone golfing with him right now. The house to myself. Enjoying it and not enjoying it. You see, I only have this week with Ayden before he heads off to my mom's for a week so I need to get all the Ayden time in that I can, even if he is driving me crazy during it. Actually, today has been back and forth. He didn't take a nap this afternoon so I think that lead to a little bit of his whinyness, but during supper he was being so talkative that it was hard to stay upset with him. He was telling me all about his day at daycare and how he made a new friend, but this new friend wasn't old enough to be in his room yet and he couldn't remember his name, but he was wearing a red shirt today. How adorable!

I'm sure I'm leaving some important details out somewhere, but I'm done for now...