Monday, August 4, 2008

GRE this Thursday?! What am I going to do?!


Can it really be as simple as that? I think so... I KNOW SO!

Oh Jack! And so the countdown begins... 2 days until T-day... test day! Well, not counting today that is. I took some more practice quizzes last night and on one of the math ones that I thought I was doing pretty well on, I got more than half wrong. I couldn't believe it. Do they really think we are supposed to remember all of this? I couldn't believe it! But I have faith... just need to keep the positive thinking going, right? The power of a positive mind, isn't that what they say? Or something along those lines.

I got ahold of my friend who is coming to Ayden's party last night and we talked for a good hour. It was definitely good to catch up. Her and her husband and son are coming up Saturday night and spending the night with us before the party and are going to help us get ready. Are we starting a tradition here or something because she did the same thing last year. But I am super stoked and will gladly take the help if they are offering it. Plus it will give us more time to hang out! YEAH!

This week is going to be filled with ups and downs... today, tomorrow, and Wednesday equal work and studying... Thursday morning test time and afternoon work... night time... RELAXATION AND DECOMPRESSION, maybe a night at the bar to soothe away my depression of how badly I did. Lol, yeah okay because I don't drink. Isn't that what the 'normal' person would do though? I was surprised to find out that two of my friends smoke. Well one just picked it up and I was definitely bummed to hear that (maybe she will quit after her wedding) and another one said she just does sometimes when she goes out to the bars. But she said the last time she didn't so I was proud of her. Even though I can't tell them to smoke or not, I definitely don't condone it and would prefer them not to. At least they've never done it around me.

So anyways, back to my week... Friday morning start cleaning the apartment, afternoon a visit with a friend I haven't seen in almost a year (so excited), Friday night, grocery shopping for Ayden's party. Saturday morning, more cleaning if it needs to be done, afternoon, family reunion, night, hang with my friend and start decorating for the party. Sunday morning, get food ready for party and finish decorating, afternoon (please pray for nice weather and no rain!) Ayden's party, night, clean up and RELAX AGAIN and relish that Ayden is home for another week before off to Grandma Wendy's house. Oh, and play with all of Ayden's new gifts. Back to normal schedule on Monday! Sound busy enough for you? Does for me!

And next weekend we get to go to the Milwaukee zoo, pray for no rain then too because last year it was rainy and kind of crappy out. But at least most of the animals were out. We want sunshine and warmth, but not too hot that the animals are all inside. And this time my mom is driving so I don't have to freak about Jay's driving the whole time. Lol, yes I am totally like that. I've vented enough about how I don't like his driving a lot of the time. I'm learning to just look out the passenger window or shut my eyes and deal with it. He's gotten moderately better, but I still don't like it. I have a Jay driving complex... Would you blame me though?

I didn't sleep all that well last night. Don't know why though, but had horrible dreams about the GRE and not doing so well. Great, right? Can't tell what I was thinking about before sleeping at all now can we?

Most of today, well okay half of today (the part where I was home) was spent on the computer doing more practice tests. I took a full one (minus the writing section, don't know if I should be practicing those or not) and got halfway decent scores. I was surprised with my math score and kind of bummed with my verbal score. I looked up what some okay scores were and have decided that if I can get a 1200 combined score I will be okay with that. I would like to get higher, but right now I'm averaging 1100 and like I said, not doing so hot on my verbal section. But I've been trying to find what are acceptable scores for the test and really haven't come up with anything conclusive. Some say higher than the 50th percentile is good and others are saying 75th percentile. I searched UWSPs website and couldn't find anything specific. Everyone seems to think that I will do just fine. They keep saying that I'm so smart and I don't need to worry... but they haven't been seeing my scores. Today I ran into the word pettifogging... seriously, does anyone know what that means? I didn't even know it was a word!

The other half of my day was spent relaxing the brain muscles in front of the TV, but then I decided to make a quick run to the library and get some books. I would rather be reading during my 'relaxation' time than watching TV and I found some good Jodi Picoult books that I haven't read. I also picked up the one that I took back last week that I hadn't finished yet. Still on the 7 day rental list and today I could have gotten it without paying the $1 for it because the lady totally forgot to ask for it, but I'm not like that and gave it to her. I would have totally felt guilty for not paying for it. And besides, I had the change anyways. Always good to get rid of some of my change. Even though I'm poor enough the way it is.

Lasagna for supper and then probably going to read for a while. John and Kate Plus 8 is on, only for a half hour tonight, an hour of new episodes next week though, YEAH! And then more reading. I've already invested a little over two hours of practice tests today and think I need to rest. If I keep on studying TOO much I'll go bananas when I have to sit down in front of the computer on Thursday morning. I will want to do anything BUT that. More studying and practicing tests tomorrow.