Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Better Day

Today, I started out in a much happier mood than when I posted last night. I ended up finishing my post, putting Ayden to bed, having some ice cream and crawling into bed myself. I needed that early nights bed time and lots of sleep to put me in a better mood. And wouldn't you know... I DIDN'T dream about anything hearing related. How wonderful was that... or at least that I remember! What I do remember dreaming about is the Duggar's of all people. Probably because I saw a commercial for their show right before I turned the TV off. But hey, I'm not going to complain, at least it wasn't hearing related! I tend to dream about that sort of stuff if I am really worried about it and I was pretty apprehensive about this mornings appointments.

My clinic slot this morning was a breeze. The first appt got cut short due to some extraneous factors, the second was only 15 minutes long because it was a screening, and the last one was cancelled because of the bad weather. So a three hour slot, ended up getting me 45 minutes of clinic time... which was okay I guess since I also have clinic on Thursday morning, so no biggee. Plus it was less that I had to write up so that was good as well. Less hours is what sucks though. I am on hearing aid duty for the day and will be on campus until about 4pm in case anything comes in, but that will hopefully give me plenty of time to get some of my lab written up. I don't think that I have a whole lot that needs to be written up for it, it is just understanding the questions that I need to work on, hehe!

Ayden only had a half day of school today which was good for him, but bad for Jay. Since Jay only has one class on Tuesdays, he was looking forward to going to work after that for the majority of the day, however he can't because he needs to stay home with Ayden. Boo for me needing to be on campus all day because I would have enjoyed an afternoon at home with the little dude. I was kind of snappy with him this morning. Jay was out working and I was trying to get ready and Ayden asks for breakfast. Normally he doesn't eat breakfast until 8ish and it would have worked perfectly since that was when Jay was getting home and I was leaving for campus. Well today, he wants breakfast at 7:30, just as I am starting to curl my hair. Fine and dandy... getting him a bowl of cereal is easy enough, except he wanted a waffle. I get the waffle out and start heating it up and it is rock hard and smells bad so I told him that the waffles were bad and needed to be thrown out. Well, that didn't go over too well with him. Tears started flowing, I was getting frustrated and starting to run behind, he didn't want cereal, he got cereal, and then he spills some of it on the couch. UGH! Can't I just finish doing my hair! I told him to take care of the mess since it wasn't too bad and got out of the house just a few minutes later than I wanted to. It didn't help that Ayden was up before he normally gets up and that's why he wanted breakfast earlier. Oh well... we'll have a better night!

The snow won't stop falling... I wish it would because I really don't like it. It makes driving only that much harder. I don't like walking in it. It's cold and messy... I don't care if it looks pretty, because at this point in the winter, I don't think it does because I want it GONE!

Have I mentioned that the friend I took pictures for a couple of months ago (of her two little girls) wants me to take some more pictures for her?! How awesome is that?! She must have liked them enough to not want to pay again for her daughter’s 9 month pictures. I’m so stoked because of course I am not going to charge her because I’m still doing this as a hobby and my pictures are definitely not of the professional caliber as I’ve said so many times. I’m just so excited because with the weather being so crappy these past few weeks I haven’t really gotten out to do a lot.IMG_3806

Check out this picture that I took of Ayden while we were on the lake this past weekend. It came from the following picture… I was able to up the exposure enough, pop the colors a big, and crop it to where it looks like he is just standing in white space. I know its not very original or anything, but I really liked how it turned out! As I say frequently… oh the power of editing!


Anyways, so I’m planning on taking pictures for my friend next Thursday! I hope that we have some better light this time than we did the last time because it was pretty rainy then. What I really would like to find is a coffee cup like the one in the picture below to take some pictures in.3301918215_02bdea16f4

Isn’t it the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?! I’ve found forums online that say that they are sold at Walmart, but the last time I checked ours didn’t have it. Plus, if you look for them on Walmart’s website, they only come in a brown monogrammed color and I don’t like that. Of course, our store may not have it out yet because it is still the middle of winter… but it is super cute, isn’t it?! And then when I am not using it for pictures, I can plant a flower or something in it because that is what they are actually for. Ah, photo props sound better, hehe!

I just might go work on my lab now… just might…



amanda said...

i love those little cup things. they had them at our walmart last year is spring/summer time for plants. so now may be the time to look. i've seen the one you have pictured, plus a blue striped one.