Saturday, February 13, 2010

What happens when you act like a kid again!

Ayden and I are home alone for the weekend while Jay and his friend are out doing the whole sturgeon spearing thing. Despite the sun shining lovely outside, I’ve been too lazy to get us outside to enjoy what people are saying is a pretty nice day. You know me and my love for the cold… so when I don’t have to go out, I don’t… So, I was trying to come up with some fun stuff for us to do while we were ‘stuck’ in the house today… and one of the ideas that came to mind (after playing some Sorry Sliders and reading some Magic School Bus books, among other things) was getting some shaving cream out and playing with it on the counter! We have the gel shaving cream so I wasn’t sure that it was going to work as good as the foam kind, but it definitely worked and we definitely had fun!IMG_3916Wouldn’t be ‘fun’ unless we incorporated some learning in it as well! We experimented what a butter knife would write like and a fork. It was lots of fun and super messy, but it was shaving cream… I didn’t care!IMG_3918 IMG_3920 IMG_3927 IMG_3930 IMG_3931We wrote numbers… and words and then practiced sounding the words out! Ayden is slowing getting it! He knows all of the sounds of the letters and can say them individually while sounding out a word, but the whole putting them together isn’t quite there yet. We’re working on it though!IMG_3936

And by the end… we were both literally COVERED in shaving cream! It started out innocently enough. We both had gotten a little bit on our clothing from leaning against the counter and then we had a battle to see who could get the most in their hands which turned into me putting some more shaving cream on Ayden’s arms, which migrated to his shirt and my shirt and then we got each others faces and by that point there was no turning back so we donned the hair as well! It really was TONS of fun! And pretty easy to clean up as well! I just tossed Ayden into the shower and for me all I had to do was take off my sweat shirt and rinse my hair out underneath the bathtub spout (you know, hands and knees style) since I really didn’t want to climb in the shower for the second time today. Easy peasy pie and well worth the laughs we had! SO worth it!IMG_3948CIAO! LOVE ME!