Monday, February 1, 2010

Drama Major!

Three posts in one day… what is going on? Lol! So, I needed to get out the rest of the festivities of my weekend. I got home from shopping Saturday afternoon and was relaxing for the rest of the day. I was all set to go to bed relatively early and enjoy a night alone in bed. However, my friend was bumming about spending the weekend alone since her boyfriend was spending some time with his family so I jokingly told her that she could come over to my place since the boys were gone. This was already at 8:30pm and she lives almost two hours away. Guess what?! She took me up on the offer! I was astonished, but it would give me something to do for the rest of the weekend, plus I don’t get to see this friend very often.

She got to my house shortly before 10:30pm and we headed out to a local bar. She wasn’t really in the mood to sit at my house and talk, which was fine with me. Neither of us are big drinkers (well actually I don’t really drink at all), but it was nice to get out for a change of scenery. The bar we went too wasn’t overly busy, so we grabbed a table and proceeded to catch up on all things guy until almost 1am. She had one drink and I just enjoyed being out with a friend (albeit at a bar).

We spent the majority of Sunday doing what girls do best, talking… she was having some issues with her boyfriend and ended up spending almost two hours on the phone with him working things out. I had no qualms with this as it allowed me to get a lot of the housework done that I probably wouldn’t have done otherwise. She left in the late afternoon and had managed to work out pretty much everything with her boyfriend and I was keeping my fingers crossed for her since she has a problem with attracting drama and making things worse for herself.

I was happy to hear last night that things were continuing to go well and that her boyfriend was coming over the next night for some quality time. They’ve been together for six months now and its becoming pretty serious and I’m super happy for my friend because she deserves it and I’ve met her boyfriend and he’s pretty darn great. So, I get this call this afternoon and my friend is in tears.

Uh oh! I’ve gotten this call before, one too many times and was waiting for the words ‘he broke up with me’, but they didn’t come. She kept saying that everything was going good and then she let the bomb drop, that got dropped on her, that got dropped on her boyfriend the night before. A former friend of his, of whom he had a one night fling with, showed up at his house claiming he was the father of her son. Talk about OMG!

Like this certainly couldn’t have come at a worse time for my friend who was already feeling insecure about her relationship, UGH! I felt so bad for her, but it was my job to get her head on straight and to get her to understand that this isn’t about her, it’s about being there for her boyfriend through the next few weeks until they get a paternity test back proving or disproving this possible fatherhood.

Definitely not something I was expecting (well who expects something like this) and I’m praying for my friend to see what needs to be seen here so she can be there for her boyfriend during this time and that she makes the best out of this situation because if she handles it the wrong way, she is apt to push her boyfriend away instead of bring him closer.

Oy vey times two!

In other drama news, I’ve recently come into a phone number that could let me open up another can of worms. The phone number of my ‘supposed’ best friend whom I haven’t heard from in months and had no way to contacting until last week. I want to call said used to be friend and let loose the anger and resentment I have built up towards him, but first off, I’m too chicken, and secondly, I’m pretty sure I really don’t want to open up that can of worms and just continue to forget about that part of my life.

Despite the fact that it still hurts to lose someone I considered my best friend for almost five years, I’m don’t know that I can ever trust that person again. I miss the talks we used to have, the complete honesty we used to share, but I don’t miss the added drama it also brought into my life. At this point, I’m putting ever ounce of self control I have into making it through each day without dialing the number… and someday it won’t be a struggle and I’ll be like so and so who?! Ugh on the whole situation, lol!

CIAO (for the third time today)! LOVE ME!