Monday, February 1, 2010

How many kids… too many?! I happened to over hear a conversation at work today (happens a lot when the 'busy body' of the office has hers right next to the front desk area where I work. Btw, said 'busy body' is totally nice, but she definitely likes to share her opinions with her coworkers about just about everything and I get the joy of hearing just about ALL of it while I am at work, hehe) that was about the number of children people are having.

Just so happens that my coworkers sister is pregnant with her fifth child and she was discussing this with another coworker. When I heard, my immediate inside reaction (of course because I wasn't supposed to actually be privy to this information) was excitement for the new mommy. How great, another new baby for the family. I don't know the logistics of the family and whether or not this was a planned pregnancy and the current financial situation of the family, etc... but my coworker was giving off the impression that five kids is WAY too many. She said something along the lines of when does it start taking away from the other kids time etc... and then she said something about how people just don't have that many kids these days and its considered a large family.

They both went on to talk about the Duggars who now have 19 children and how the last one was born extremely early and look what having that many kids does to a woman and that her sister is getting up there with this being her fifth pregnancy. At this point I should have just stopped listening because it was starting to irritate me. Everyone has the right to have their own opinions and thoughts on situations as because what is right for one person might be completely wrong for another and so on and so forth. And because I did listen, I got irritated and thus the fact that I need to get my opinions out.

I want to know what is wrong with having five kids, or ten, or even nineteen. Is it wrong because the average household in today's society has 2 point whatever kids?! Who says its wrong? I don't think its wrong. I think its great when people have large families. I want more than the average number of kids myself... three... four... maybe even five. I love Ayden so much that I want to show that love to more kids of my own. Its a feeling I didn't think was possible and becoming a parent changes someone so completely. Its a feeling that I have in my core, that I was meant to have more kids. I don't know.

I look at the families who have more than the 'average amount' of children and think they are just amazing! Maybe its because I've become accustomed to large families that I now want one of my own. My dad has 8 brothers and sisters and Jay's dad has 11... that means LOTS of people at family gatherings and I LOVE it!

I don’t know how many of my readers watch the Duggars and TLC or know about them, but their family and faith just astounds me. There’s NO WAY I could have that many children, but I so admire their family and how easy they make it seem. It’s organized chaos! I have no idea if the fact that the mom had 18 previous children had to deal with her delivering early (all reports I’ve heard/read point towards no), but God works in wonderful ways ALL the time, whether or not we can see it in the face of adversity. If they happen to have yet another one in the future, all the more power to them, I think they are fantastic.

Okay, so I feel better that I was able to get that off my chest. Point is, I want lots of kids and I don’t think its fair for people to point fingers at those who don’t follow the norm (no matter what they aren’t following) because I’ve never been a big fan of following the pack. I definitely don’t consider myself a leader per say, more of an individual or sorts.

Oy vey!



amanda said...

as a mom of soon to be five kids. thank you!! and ask your co-worker when the last time was that the said pregnant lady asked for her help to raise them. i get SO SO SO SO SO SO SO irritated with the comments i get from people. and now that i'm actually looking pregnant i'm sure more are going to come. YES i know how it happens. YES i know how to keep my legs together. YES YES YES...and yet. i don't care what 'you' think. i'm going to raise these beautiful babies i've been given. sometimes i like to share with them the hardships of the past summer, but it falls on deaf ears, they don't care that i've lost two babies in between. they care that i'm having a fifth baby. grrr. sorry to rant. but it just gets me. one, ten, thirty. WHO CARES!?!