Saturday, February 20, 2010


I found out some news today that is just devastating! I’m not really at liberty to go into the specifics of it because it doesn’t specifically affect me, but one of my friends is going through a really hard period in her life right now.

For awhile there, things were starting to look up for her and her daughter. Their future was starting to look a little brighter and slowly but surely, everything was starting to fall into place, and then today… WHAM!

I feel so bad that I can’t do anything for her except be there for her as best I can. And what amazes me is the fact that she can see a sliver of positivity in all of this. She is such a strong and amazing person that it just astounds me. I’m so proud to be able to call her my friend.

We’ve been talking a lot lately about how our paths aren’t ours to make, but are already destined for us long before we even see where we are headed. And her faith is just amazing too! She’s been leaning on God a lot lately and I know that he will help her through the days that are to follow.

I apologize for the lack of details in this post, but for my readers who believe in the power of prayer, I ask that you please send up one for my friend, that she sees where God is trying to take her in light of all that is going on around her and that she leans on him and her family and friends in this time of need. Thank you!!!

I’ll be back to post some more about what’s been going on in my hectic life soon… hopefully!