Saturday, March 13, 2010

Craptastic Mood

I had this super fun day planned and none of panned out in the way that I wanted it to, which only enhanced the craptastic mood that I’ve been in the last few days. UGH! I’d rather curl up and sleep for a week than be awake and deal with anyone right now. UGH again!

We (mostly Jay) tried to teach Ayden how to ride a two wheeler today and that didn’t go as well as I would have liked. Ayden was non to happy to try and learn at first. Then when I thought it was going to go good and he was smiling, he tipped over and it only made things worse. Plus, the weather was pretty craptastic today as well and it never got as warm as I would have liked and Jay was complaining about it. Didn’t make me any happier.

What I thought might be like a half hour or more of trying to new two wheeler thing ended like fifteen minutes after we started. I know, I know, its not like he is going to get it on the first day. I wasn’t thinking he would, but I thought he would be happier about it. Instead I have a crabby kid who wants his training wheels back on. ARGH!

And then I wanted to go roller staking as a family this afternoon, but I knew that Jay didn’t really want to go and wasn’t even going to go roller staking but just come with us and a kid who didn’t even want to try it, much less go. So I said screw it and we stayed home. I wasn’t going to force anyone to go and then have them complain the whole time while I wanted to have a fun family afternoon. It sucks that Jay doesn’t want to do more stuff that I suggest or even suggest anything himself. Honestly, he NEVER suggests to do anything as a family, unless its something he’d really enjoy. He’d never suggest going for a bike ride together, taking Ayden to the park, going to the library, taking a walk, etc etc etc… and it bugs me.

*Maybe I should note that I’m PMSing right now, so that doesn’t help my craptastic mood or outlook on life right now.

But… get this… Jay SWEPT and MOPPED the kitchen floor today WITHOUT me even asking for him to do it! OMG! Can we get an amen?! That was super awesome of him since the floor hasn’t been mopped (only swiffered) since we moved in which is almost a year ago. Wow, still kind of in shock!

I was annoyed pretty much all day long today and it showed. I hate days like today! And the weather has been SO sucky lately that that doesn’t help! I want to be outside enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. I have Spring in my blood and want it here NOW!

I’m also kind of feeling the pressure at school right now. So many projects to get started in the next few weeks and clinic and ugh, just everything seems to be culminating around me. Have I mentioned I’m PMSing and my outlook on life right now is pretty pessimistic?! Lol!

I’m in dire need of spring break and a few days away! I can’t wait to hit up the indoor water parks next weekend and just have some family time away.

One good new bit of today is that my bestie asked if I would take her brother’s senior pictures this coming fall. Of course I said yes! How awesome is that?! Although, I seriously can’t believe that her brother is going to be a senior next year! I remember him being not much older than Ayden’s current age! Wow, time does fly!

I’m hoping that tomorrow I am in a less craptastic mood and more of a fantastic mood. Maybe if I think more fantastically than craptastically it will work?! If its a little nicer out we are apt to try the whole two wheeler thing again, wish us luck, and I might just get a little more motivated with the whole homework thing. We’ll see! Or maybe at least an Ayden and mommy bike ride?!

And since when is this weekend daylight savings time? Am I like the last person to find out?! No one said anything on campus about it yesterday. I had to find out by a facebook status. Argh, I must be really out of the loop!

Off to get brainwashed by some Lifetime Movie Network… that usually does a PMSing women good, right?! That and a bowl of ice cream (or in my case a bag of peanut butter M&Ms)!