Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tribute to Misty!

IMG_2909DSC06117My mom informed me last weekend while we were home that they (her and Jim) were going to put the family down down the following weekend. I was pretty bummed to learn this because I couldn’t imagine visiting my mom and Misty not meeting us at the door like usual, but I understood her motives.

Misty was almost 14 years old (I think that's what my mom said, at least it is somewhere in that region) and she was really going downhill fast. She was pretty deaf, not even barking when you’d come in the house, much less meeting you at the door. She was going blind and also having lots of trouble going up and down the stairs to get into and out of the house. She was also ‘using the bathroom’ on the patio versus the lawn like usual. My mom did not want her to be in pain anymore and knew it was time.

But to even comprehend my mom’s house without her makes me sad. I remember her being a puppy when Jim first got her and him bring Misty over when he would visit (this being before he moved in). I mean fourteen years with a dog is a LONG time! She will be greatly missed! She was a great dog! Everything a dog should be!

I think out of all of us, my sister will take it the hardest. :( I’m dreading the next time we go and Ayden notices that Misty isn’t there and then having to explain it to him. We’ve had the ‘dogs go to heaven’ talk once before when Sparky (one of Jay’s family dogs) was put down, but that was when Ayden was like two and really didn’t comprehend it. I’ve already had to have a talk about dying with Ayden and he was upset. And at this point, I’m sure it will be hard on him too. :( Ugh!

The only solace is knowing that Misty will not be in pain anymore. Although I don’t think my mom’s house will be the same for a very long time. The presence of a dog who craves attention and gets in the way too much will be missed. As for getting another dog, as if! If anything, my mom would get another cat, hehe! She’s definitely going to be one of those old cat ladies, just kidding! But she does love her cats!

Boo! This post only increased the already bad mood I was in. :(