Friday, March 12, 2010

Tick Tock… Tick Tock…

Honestly, I don't think that this week could have gone any slower! Maybe its the fact that I am just looking forward to spring break THAT much! YES! I am, I really am looking forward to that week! A week of nothingness! Yeah right! I still have to work a little bit, but actually, I will get the majority of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday that spring break week to relax at home and maybe (just maybe) read start a book. I can only hope. Its probably a bad idea given the three projects that I need to start on, but I really could use a good relaxing book at this point.

Other than classes and clinic related stuff, I haven't been doing too much this week. I was lucky to have my afternoon ABR class cancelled on Wednesday which afforded me the afternoon to go home early and just relax for a bit. As well, I was able to go home Thursday early for a few hours, but then I was back running a lab from 4:30-6:30pm, so that took out most of my night.

Ayden had a dentist appointment Thursday afternoon and I was proud to hear that after all the cavities he had after his first dentist visit, they said that this time his teeth were looking really good and NO cavities which was the best part! Healthy teeth make mommy happy, especially after what he did have to get done! And really, I don't think that we have TOO many sweets at our house. In any case, he did great the dentist and I really love the place!

The weather has been craptastic all week long! Okay, well for the majority of it anyways! Foggy and rainy! I can't complain about the temperature though because it has been warm enough out that I stopped wearing my winter coat. Feels weird not wearing it to campus though after wearing it for so many months. I am SO ready for the warm weather to come, but we have cold for so long that you get used to something. Sort of like in the fall, having to get used to wearing long pants again. At least I do because I'm totally a shorts girl in the summer.

Speaking of shorts (nice segway, huh? lol!) I 'stocked up' on some this week. I bought four new pair of shorts at Target because I couldn't find any shorts long enough or cheap enough that I liked at Kohls and I needed some new ones. Some of the shorts that I have are like four or five years old! Crazy! And... of course they fit like a glove because I haven't gained any weight in the last four or five years I recently gained a few unwanted pounds that have made my clothes fit not as well as I would like them too. Stress much?! Overeat much?! That's me! And with summer right around the corner, ugh much! However displeased I am with my 'figure', I'm not displeased enough to get on some diet run or regular workout routine. Ha! I'm so unmotivated for that! So, I've just been trying to watch what I eat. As... watch it go in my mouth and think, man, I really shouldn't be eating this, haha!

This weekend we are staying home and relaxing. I have three weeks worth of laundry to fold and put away. I always keep up on the laundry! My weekend plans look something like this... if the weather is nice tomorrow morning we are going to take Ayden out and attempt to try teaching him to ride a two wheeler bike. We went for a bike ride earlier this week and he was doing pretty good keeping off of his training wheels. If the attempt goes well and no one gets frustrated, we might buy Ayden a new bike. He's had his current bike since he was almost three and he's pretty much outgrown it. If the attempt doesn't go so well, he'll just keep his current bike with the training wheels on and we'll use that until he gets it. I'm in no hurry for him to ride a two wheeler since it doesn't really matter to me, but we thought since the weather is supposed to be half way decent, we thought we'd give it a try. And then Saturday afternoon we thought we might take Ayden roller skating for the first time. We'll see though! I also have laundry to do, clean a few things around the house, and then work on a few of my projects that are due within a month.

…. it is later Friday night now and I was able to make it home by 3pm today from campus. Before 4pm three days in a row, how great is that? There must be something wrong that I am missing because that NEVER happens (at least this semester)!

So, what did I do with my afternoon? I got all of my laundry done! Okay, almost all of it, I have two baskets to fold tomorrow, but it is nice to have the bulk of it done already! I also looked up some articles for my projects so I have at least all of them started. I have a few of them on interlibrary loan so I hope that I get them sometime this week so I can see if they are really going to work for me. Sometimes you can’t get everything you need from just the abstract and unfortunately a lot of places want you to buy the article.

I totally got to use some power tools while on campus today! Well, it was just a dremel, but it made Jay proud, lol! We were modifying hearing aids for our lab today and fortunately we have a HUGE bag of old hearing aids that we can mess around with. Don’t ask me how we got all of those hearing aids because when we asked our professor, she didn’t even know. We are just fortunate enough to have them. We got to make a hole and then patch it, shave off a bump and smooth it out, create bigger vents, lots of different stuff. It was probably one of the most fun labs because we didn’t have a write up and we got to actually work with hearing aids. We also finished up the testing for our ABR lab and printed off some of the reports for that and were able to talk to our professor regarding the questions that we had so that was good as well. It was a good day!

And I’m looking forward to tomorrow… a fun weekend on the horizon!