Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Do to or not to do… that is the question!

Photography is a hobby for me, one I love. I offered to take some pictures of my friend’s son this past fall. Mostly because I wanted something new to photograph something new and I knew she’d let me. You know, we’re tight like that, lol! Plus her little guy is such a doll!

Then I offered to do the same for another friend who just had a baby a few months later, pretty much for the same reason. And then another friend who is expecting (haven’t done those yet). And then, I found out another friend is having twins and pretty much demanded that she’d let me take some pictures for her. Well, the friend who is having twins wants me to take some maternity pictures for her and some of her son and another friend wants me to take some more for her of her daughters (apparently she actually liked the first ones, hehe). And then, another friend asked if I would take her brother’s senior pictures this coming fall.

I’m elated at getting to take all of these pictures for my friends. I’m flattered that they even consider me good enough and I feel relatively confident that I can give them at least one good photo. And, because I’m only relatively confident, I don’t/haven’t charged anything to these friends. Mostly because I wouldn’t do that to friends and because I really just love to do it. All stuff I’ve said before.

But the point of this whole post is that tonight I was offered to the chance to take pictures for someone’s wedding. This someone happens to be one of Ayden’s old daycare teachers who is super cool and nice. I originally declined the offer because I didn’t think I could do justice as a photographer for someone’s wedding. And, I think that wedding pictures should be of a certain quality. Something you’ll want to remember and cherish forever. (I know that for my wedding that most likely will be the biggest expense because I want a certain type of photos and unfortunately those usually come at a cost.)

I was sincerely flattered that I was even considered as an option to take pictures for this wedding, but I was too worried that I wouldn’t do good enough for her and her family. However, she responded back saying that it was going to be a very informal wedding and that she loves my work and has every confidence in me. This leaves me wondering if maybe I could do this for her?! Should I? Should I stick with thinking I cannot do her justice?

Jay thinks I should, says I could buy a new lens with the money I’d get. (But then again, he thinks I should charge my friends too! He wants me to start my own side business.) I’d charge her, but definitely nothing compared to what they would/could be paying for someone ‘professional’. I’d love a new lens, really would! But then again, I’d love a lot of different things.

I guess its something that I’ll really have to give some thought to. I’ve never had anyone ask me to take pictures for them (well other than recently for the senior pictures)… it’s always been me asking my friends if I can do it for them. I could use a few extra bucks though, would be nice.

We’ll see…