Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring Break almost over!

I'm determined to be productive today, to get at least something school related done. I have a study date with my classmates for lunch. That is school related, right? Does that mean I get to go home afterwards and take a nap again? I took a nap yesterday and it led me to being up until midnight last night, no good! No good at all when you have to get up with your alarm clock the next morning, ugh! But... in order to get tired, I brought out the book I have been reading and got a little further in it. It worked, by the time I was done, I could barely keep my eyes open.

However, it didn't help the dreams I had last night. I know what I dreamt about had to do with the phone call I was on before I went to lay down in bed. I hate how that happens, but oh well. Guess I can't control my unconscious thoughts as much as I would like, eh? Oh well!

I went out to eat with some old friends last night! There's a group of four of us that are still pretty close from our undergrad days. I've talked about them before... Robin, Leah, Kristi, and myself. We all have kids. We all get along great! Unfortunately, Kristi was in the Dells with her family yesterday (she won a free hotel room at the Atlantis resort) and couldn't join us. Boo! But I know she was having a good time. Anyways, Robin, Leah (who is having the twins), and I went out to eat at IHop and had a great time catching up again. Its hard for us to find time to get together when everyone is free so when we can find time, we grab it. That, and Leah lives about 45 minutes away so its a little harder for her to drop everything and just swing over. It was fun to get together and catch up! Leah has her 'big' ultrasound in a few weeks (she's 18 weeks along right now) and I can't wait to find out what she is having! At this point they know it is identical twins, and she said last night that the odds of identical twins being one girl and one boy are like 1 in 650,000 identical twin births. So most likely, its two boys or two girls! She's shooting for girls since she has one boy already and most likely she'll need a hysterectomy with the c-section given the complications she's had in the past and the large amount of fibroids she has currently growing.

She looks great right now and is taking each day as it comes. She knows she'll probably end up on bed rest at some point so she's soaking up the time with her little guy right now, while she can move around. We told her that we will become her hospital buddies once she's stuck and can't go anywhere. Also, she's due on Ayden's birthday (August 22nd), but they are already planning on having the babies in July, most likely towards the end, and is expecting some sort of NICU stay. She is such a strong woman! Love her to death!

We got Ayden's summer school registration packet yesterday. Definitely saves us on childcare costs in the summer. They also have a swim program as well which I think we are going to do this summer as well. It is one hour everyday for two weeks (Mon-Fri) for $5... definitely worth it! Anyways, the only bummer part is that I don't know my clinic schedule for this summer. I start clinic the week before he starts summer school and end one week after his summer school ends. We'll need to find childcare and/or some sort of babysitter for the days that I have clinic, whether it be in the morning or afternoon. I'm kind of stuck right now on what to do, but I'm sure something will come up. I'm a planner and like to have things laid out ahead of time so I know how things are going to go, but that never happens. Even the best laid plans go awry!

I recently got a new spring coat on sale at Target and wanted to share a picture of it with you all since I’ve been getting so many comments on it while wearing it. I think this picture makes me look fat, but I take solace in knowing I had a bulky sweatshirt on under the jacket so that adds the extra poundage I don’t like seeing. But I love the coat and couldn’t pass up the sale and needed a spring coat anyways. Well maybe not NEED it, but thought it complimented my wardrobe, hehe!IMG_4434Time to go and be productive… right?! Or at least try and be productive, until I find something good on the tv, lol!