Sunday, March 14, 2010

Craptastic turned FANTASTIC!!!

I got up this morning (and despite the fact that it was already an hour later than my clock read- because I didn’t turn it ahead before I went to sleep), I was in a better mood than when I went to bed. The sun was shining and I knew it was going to be a good day, I was destined to make it so. You know, because I was in such a craptastic mood yesterday. And with the sun shining, how could it start out bad?!

Guess I was a little too positive because Jay and I got into an argument even before 10am, ugh, didn’t look to be a promising day! We all left to have another go at the whole riding the bike with no training wheels and Jay and I didn’t speak a word to each other in the truck. (If I didn’t mention it yesterday, we were teaching Ayden at a place away from our house because don’t have conduce teaching conditions at our place).

Ayden blew our socks off when he hopped on his bike though! He wasn’t really in the mood to try and learn again, but he didn’t pout too much about it either. He hopped on and it took one run with Jay holding onto him lightly and then he sort of took off on his own. Just like that, he had it! I couldn’t believe it! I thought we’d be working at this for another few day AT LEAST and that there’d be lots of whining and possibly tip overs. You know, everything that I thought would go with learning how to ride a bike without training wheels. Nope, not with Ayden. Just like that, he was off and riding! He did great, is doing great, loves not having his training wheels on. Especially since now he knows he can get a bigger bike (which he needs).

And thankfully, the place we were teaching him at had this huge empty parking lot that he was able to ride all around in without having to stop and turn around. It was a great start to my craptastic turned fantastic day! That, and it made Jay and I unmad at each other. We let Ayden ride around for a little while before we headed home for lunch.

I let Ayden call my mom when we got home so he could share the good news and then while I was chatting with her on the phone, Ayden proceeded to make his own lunch. He came walking into the living room with a sandwich and a glass of chocolate milk all by himself. I was surprised that he was able to get it all by himself and not spill anything, but he did!

After lunch we went roller skating like I had wanted to the other day. Jay came along, but he didn’t go skating with us which was okay. Ayden really didn’t care for the skating either. He had more trouble with it than I thought he would, but at least we tried it and had some fun, I think. I don’t think that we will be going back anytime soon, but it was still fun!

The weather is fantastic today as well so who can beat that?! All of the snow is melting! Even better! I know that it is still early to be having such nice weather, but I can’t help having a better day due to the sun being out and it being nice outside. Ayden and I even went for a bike ride after we got back from roller skating. I was leery to at first because we needed to bike on the road before we got to the bike path that we go on and I didn’t know how well Ayden would do on his first bike ride on the road without training wheels and I wanted to make sure he would be safe. We made it to the bike path without any major problems and went down the bike path for a little ways before turning around. Once we got back to the road on the return trip, Ayden wanted to walk his bike back to the house. I was fine with that, even though it took a little longer. He said it was too hard to bike on the road and although I didn’t think he had that much trouble the first time, I didn’t want to make him do something he wasn’t comfortable with and it was easier on me not having to make sure he didn’t weave out into the road while trying to stay up and not tip over.

Of course, all this great weather isn’t doing any good for me on getting my homework done. UGH to that, lol! But my 9am class is cancelled tomorrow so I have time to work on a few things in the morning that I wanted to do today and no tests this week so that is good as well. Just need to make it through clinic and the rest of the week should be fine.

I was watching my lifetime movie last night and for some reason, the lifetime channel just blacked out and I missed like 10 minutes of the movie. Thankfully, it is on again tonight so I am DVRing it tonight and going to watch the rest of it sometime tomorrow. I was really getting into the movie to so I was kind of bummed when it stopped working. Boo! Not the only time that that has happened to me either, but oh well. It was just a show.

I do have to say that the best part of day light saving times today is the fact that it is now 5pm and it looks nothing like that outside! I love the fact that now is the time of the year when it stays lighter out later and makes it seem like the days are lasting longer! Daylight until almost 9pm by midsummer is my type of day! Although, because we lost an hour today, the day has just flown by! Only bummer part about that because I really like my weekends! Just five more days until 9 days off! Fantastic!

Enjoy the video of Ayden rocking out on his two wheeler!!!