Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Friday

I'm endlessly running around throughout the course of each day during the week and more often than not getting home later than I would like to, so I thought I would give you a run down of what my Friday looked like this past week. By no means are any two days during the week similar, but I thought this might give some perspective as to what I am doing each and every day that I am on campus. Not that any of you need it or want it, but it gives me something to post about, hehe!

So, this Friday looked something like this... get up at 6:45am... shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, do my hair and makeup, get my back pack ready (and because we were going home this weekend, finish packing everything I needed for the weekend that I couldn't pack the night before- and I even forgot a few things) and then leave for campus by about 7:30am.

7:45am... get to the road that I park on, get a good parking spot because no one gets to school THIS early, and walk the three blocks to campus...

8:00am... meet up with one of my classmates and reprint a lab we were working on since our other classmate labeled some things wrong when she printed it and we needed it correct since it was our rewrite

8:35am... realize there is already a hearing aid repair in for the day, clean and fix hearing aid and get it ready for patient to pick up (although Katie did most of this work since it was her day on hearing aid duty)

9:00am... first lab of the day starts... listen to professor yammer on for a half hour about stuff we already know about and then fit ourselves with a hearing aid. Spend the rest of lab (until 11am) fitting Katie with a hearing aid listening to the professor yammer somemore when we could have had all three of us done before 11am.

11am... walk very quickly across campus (because you know running would make me look weird, sweat really bad, and feel horrible since I'm in no shape to run) to the building I work in where I proceed to spend the next hour rushing through sending out a bunch of marketing materials and give myself a paper cut!

12pm... walk very quickly back to the clinic building where we (my classmates and I) proceed to fit the other two of us with hearing aids so we can finish our lab this week and not need to take extra time next week to do it.

1:30pm... finished fitting ourselves with hearing aids and getting our lab reports ready and now its time to get set up for our ABR lab... during this two our lab, I was the 'lucky' one who got hooked up with electrodes and got to spend two hours laying in a recliner trying to be still and quiet so they could measure my brain wave responses to clicks and tone bursts... all while they are right next to me discussing the material and telling funny stories. Not easy to not laugh, lol!

3:50pm... 20 minutes after I wanted to leave campus and go home so we could leave and drive 'home'... I am getting to leave campus and actually go home.

BUSY DAY! I felt like I never stopped moving and I didn't! So much to fit in and so little time! And it doesn't look like it is going to slow down anytime soon! This week I have clinic all day Tuesday! I love clinic and all, but the paperwork on our campus is endless! Really... it is! I can't wait for my off campus placements where it isn't nearly as much!

And this Monday, I don't have my 9am class, but what am I doing? Instead of staying home and sleeping in until my 10:30am class, I need to head in early to call some hearing aid companies for prices on hearing aids, get some reports signed off on, and then we are working more on our ABR lab, even though we have Thursday night to work on it and Friday afternoon! And I can't even leave campus early on Monday's because my weekly meeting isn't until 2:45pm so the earliest I can get home is 3:15pm and not that that is late, but after being on campus since 7 or 8am, its been a long day.

I also feel bad for getting home later than normal most days because it shortens my time with Ayden. He gets home at 4pm when he rides the bus and goes to bed between 7:30 and 8pm so thats only 3-4 hours a night I get to spend with him since I'm usually gone by the time he wakes up and it bugs me. I want more time with my little guy. And then the nights that I get home after 4pm, its less than that. I suppose that I should be grateful for the time I do get with him because some parents work a lot more than that and don't get even the few hours that I do. I couldn't imagine that. So, I try to make the time we do have together good and then worry about school stuff (or don't worry about it) after he goes to bed.

Oh the woes of grad school, lol!

Off to maybe gets some of my take home test done, or not, lol!