Friday, January 20, 2012

{catching up}

I feel like I am mostly caught up with the stuff that I got 'behind' on when my computer was out of commission. There are still a few things that I would like to get done, but nothing too pressing. I've been keeping myself pretty busy this week getting stuff done and not lounging around and watching too much TV. I surprised myself the other night when I got up and started entering some more capstone data for my surveys and found out that I only had twenty more surveys to enter when I thought I had at least half of them to go yet. It didn't take too long and now I can start to analyze the data and see what the respondents overall view were on my hypothesis. Should be interesting.

I have a list of things I would like to get mostly done by the end of the week and that includes: mailing a wedding present, working on 'up cycling' a frame, finishing a photo book online and getting that ordered, starting another photo book, start and finish editing last weeks engagement session, and do some more capstone work. I don't know that I will get all of that accomplished, but I should get a good start on it. The only one that I would really like to get done is the photo editing. The rest isn't mandatory, but you know me... I'm a perfectionist when it comes to getting things done.

We had an appraiser come to the house yesterday morning to appraise the value of it for our landlords because I think they said they were going to refinance. Anyways, I know it was just some person coming to look at the bones of the house and not at our stuff, but believe me, it was clean! Okay, so not clean clean, like the kitchen floor could have been scrubbed instead of just swept, and the bathroom could have used a deep cleaning instead of just a little cleaning (done by little man of his own free volition, amazing what a kid won't do when you give them free reign with a spray bottle filled with water and a wash cloth), and the windows could have been sprayed down, but everything was picked up and orderly, just like I like my house, haha! Well, most of the time I just look past the disarray that Ayden's toys are in down in the basement. I mean, everything is picked up, but nothing is in the correct bin and sometimes most of the time that bothers me. But not enough to go through everything and put it in the right bin. That won't happen until we are going through everything to move.

The wonders of Facebook have allowed me to find out this week that three people I know are pregnant. As much as I am excited for them… I am secretly totally bumming that I cannot be among them at this time. My friend and I were just talking about this the other day… we both are sick with baby fever! But we have a plan… a year and a half from now, us besties are going to be preggers together, haha! Shh, don’t tell the hubbies (well soon to be hubby on my part)! Oh, wait, maybe I shouldn’t have spilled the beans, lol! We both have a year and a half of school left and the end cannot come soon enough for either of us!

And because a post wouldn’t be any good without a few pictures… here are a few from the last couple of weeks that I’ve wanted to share!IMG_4252IMG_4261IMG_4431IMG_4441IMG_4442IMG_4474IMG_4477IMG_4481CIAO! LOVE ME!