Sunday, January 1, 2012

{obligatory christmas post}

Well, since my computer decided that it did not want to work for me right now, I thought I would go on my tablet and write up my post about Christmas at our house (and the many houses that we visited during our stay at Jay's family's house). I was in the midst of editing a recent photo shoot that I did, but apparently my computer likes to overheat a lot these days and likes to just shut itself off on me. I definitely think I need to start looking for a new one! Ugh!

Okay, let's talk Christmas...

A few days before Christmas I went to Green Bay to visit my bestie and to take some photos of each other. I wanted to put something together for Jay for Christmas, but I have yet to finish the project... oops! This was the third time in as many months that I was able to see my friend which was awesome because usually we only see each other like once every six months. In any case, we ended up having a great time and we got some great pictures of each other. I just need to get motivated to get the project done. Well, I would if my computer would work for me. Someday I'll get it done.

We left for 'home' in the late afternoon the day before Christmas Eve. We were supposed to leave earlier in the day, but the weather wasn't very good and Jay didn't know if he would have to work or not. Turns out that he didn't have to work and we got home at a half way decent hour. That was nice because we needed to get up early to go to my mom's house Christmas Eve morning!

Christmas Eve was a busy day for us. We headed over to my mom's house by 8:00am because she had a Christmas scavenger hunt for myself, my sister, brother, and Jay to do. Ayden came along as well and was on Jay and Casey's team. There was a whole list of things that we were supposed to go out and take pictures of. Some of the things were different Christmas decorations, some were roads signs, and so on and so forth. I think there was like 50 items on the list and we had two hours to find as many as we could. It was a lot of fun and my sister and I thought that we had in the bag, but we ended up losing by 5 points. I know, SO disappointing, but we got a consolation prize anyways.

After the scavenger hunt, we opened presents at my mom's house and ate a yummy lunch. It was the second time we were had potatoes and ham as a meal... the second time of many over the next couple of days. The obligatory Christmas meal I guess, haha! We had a fun time at my mom's house and then it was off to Jay's grandma's house for supper. More food and presents and visiting with family before heading off to my grandma's house later that night for even more presents. It was a late night and by the end of it Ayden was getting pretty crabby.

We weren't up super early Christmas morning, but it was still early enough. Sadly (or maybe not so sadly), I left my camera in its case for the majority of Christmas. I wanted to really enjoy Christmas with Jay and Ayden this year instead of being behind the camera worrying about trying to get pictures of it all. And I'm pretty okay with that (for the time being anyways). Ayden got lots of presents on Christmas morning. He LOVED his iPod! He was spoiled this year, but then again, when is he not?! Haha! I had SO much fun watching him open presents this year and seeing his expression! It wasn't long before we had to head off to Jay's other grandparent's house for a little while. Ayden and I didn't stay too long at the Hoerth's. Too many people and I don't think that either of us really felt like socalizing all that much. It was a little bit too much overload at that point. But later Christmas night we went to my dad's house to watch the Packer game and get more presents. Ayden and Alexis and my sister were all playing with their iPods and had a great time! Another late night!

The day after Christmas was spent at my other grandparent's house and my mom's husband's parent's house. More food, more fun, more presents... just an overall great time! But I was SO ready to be done and go home and sleep in my own bed! We finally headed back to our place late afternoon on Tuesday after a photo shoot that I had that morning. It was a maternity shoot for my friend's sister in law and it went really well! I also had first hand experience driving two different ways to and from Sheboygan and seeing how long it would take if we were to live in Chilton and I had to drive each day to clinic. I was attempting to edit the photos from the shoot before when my computer decided that it no longer wanted to work for me and shut off, hence the blogging!

We were only home for about a day and a half when we packed up again and headed down to the Dells for a family vacation...