Wednesday, January 11, 2012

{video chatting}

The weather in Wisconsin the last few days has been unseasonably warm and I couldn't LOVE it anymore, especially the last two days. To have 40 and almost 50 degree weather in what is almost the middle of January is usually unheard of and believe me, I took some advantage of it. I should have taken more advantage of it with the impending snow we are supposed to be getting. (I'm still holding out hope that the predicted 5-8 inches of snow really ends up being only 2-3 inches.) But, I was outside with my camera non the less and I came out of my camera slump. For awhile there I hadn't really picked up my camera for much. Let's face it, I took almost zilch for Christmas photos and for a few weeks before that it sat collecting dust in its bag. But now that I have gotten back into my groove, I do not have access to my computer to get my edit on. I cannot tell you how anxious I am to get my computer back, to sit down in front of it and go full force! By the time I get my computer back I will have three seperate photo shoots to edit, along with numerous different photos that I've taken for myself that I want to edit! And it will be my last week of vacation before classes start.

I know that I talk about my weight a lot on my blog (my blog, my writing) and I'm sure it bugs some people. Heck, it even bugs me. I feel like I am writing the same thing over and over. It depresses me and stepping on the scale tonight REALLY depressed me! I have gained 5 lbs since the semester ended and it it is ALL MY FAULT! Yes, I am taking accountability for it and that is what depresses me. I let myself gain the weight. I've done nothing overly active for over the last month and I've continued to tell myself that one more dessert won't hurt, one extra bite is okay... I will start dieting again tomorrow, I will start working out again tomorrow. Always tomorrow. Remember how I was going to start working out again. I did and it lasted for... THREE days! That is IT! THREE pathetic days. Say it with me my friends, I am a BIG FAT FAILURE! Ugh, it sickens me, it really does! At this point I cannot wait for the semester to start up again so I am gone more of the day so I don't sit at home eating all day. That is all I do right now, sit and eat. No wonder I have gained back some weight. I know that I am at a healthy weight for my body type right now, but I worked so hard to get to where I was and I feel like now I have failed myself. But hear me out readers, I WILL lose these five pounds again. It might take me until the end of the semseter, but it will happen. I am going to start over again, but this time be more realistic and start with changing my eating habits first and try to slowly work back into working out. I WILL succeed! I WILL! How is that for persistance?! That's why I have it tattooed on my wrist!

Tonight while Ayden and I were working on his reading (which is going really well by the way), and my dad called him on his iPod (my dad was using my younger sister's iPod). Instead of stopping the reading, I had Ayden finish reading the book to Grandpa and Alexis. It was very cute and I love that technology has progressed to the point where we can video chat with people because otherwise Ayden wouldn't have been able to do that. He loves his iPod and is on it quite a lot and he is able to video chat with other people. He talks to Alexis on it quite a lot and to be able to see her more often. It really is pretty neat. We have video chatting capabilities on our phones as well, although I don't know that I can chat with Ayden and his iPod, but it is nice to be able to see him and Jay when either of us are away for the night.

I found out tonight that my sister has found a teaching job and I am super excited for her! She finishes up her student teaching any day now and she will then transition to teaching her very own first grade class! How awesome is that?! My sister has wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember and I don't know anyone who would be a better teacher than her! She is great with kids and they just seem to gravitate towards her and that is how I know that she will only prosper as the years go on. Her first grown up paying job! I cannot wait to join the ranks of those people... a year and a half and I will hopefully be there with her and so many others! Congratulations Emily!