Saturday, January 21, 2012


I'm 'borrowing' a post from a few other bloggers. Fill in the blanks...

If I were to get pregnant again... right now?! I'd be thrilled and scared at the same time. It is no secret how much I want more kids right now, but it also isn't a secret that I have a year and a half left of school and being able to afford another baby right now would be hard. If I were to get pregnant right after getting married I would be over the moon! We'll just see what God has in store for our family!

If I could have any job in the world... I'm actually really looking forward to my future career as an audiologist. I love going to my clinical rotations and experiencing the different stuff that might some day encompass what I will be doing full time. If I had to pick any other sort of job it would probably be something that helps people. Maybe a counselor of some sort.

If I had a day to myself... I would meet up with some friends and chat the day away! I am not able to get together with my friends as often as I would like and so a whole day with them would definitely not go to waste!

If I could get married all over again... I'm not married yet so I don't have any 'do overs' for my wedding day, although I'm definitely excited to start some planning for things and have learned from people I know and weddings that I have been to. Bring it on!

If I could live anywhere in the US... it would be somewhere that was warm all year round. Snow on Christmas or a cold winter are WAY overrated if you ask me. But it would suck living so far away from my family so my guess is that we won't be moving to any place warm all year round any time soon! Oh well, a girl can dream, right?!

If Ayden were a girl he would have been named... I don't actually remember if we had any girl names picked out before finding out if he was a boy or a girl. I do have a running list of baby names for any future children, but who knows if we will end up using any of those either. Just names that I like and I thought why not start a list.

If I could have any talent in the world... it would be to be to better my photography skills. I continue to work at it and enjoy learning new things. I am my own worst critic.

If you met me in real life you would probably say... I was shy and reserved, although working with patients and photography clients has definitely opened me up some. I never thought I would be in a job that required working with people every day, but I am and I love it! And I'm not shy ALL of the time, just when you are getting to know me.

If I could go back to school and get a different degree... ha, I'm still in school! One degree wasn't enough... bachelor's degree, ha... I needed the doctorate, lol!

If money were not an object... Jay and I would be married already, we'd have a house, more kids, no student loans, and more feul efficient vehicles (well at least his, mine is okay), we would travel all over and just have fun. Remember, money is no object, right?! Jay would start his own lawn care business and I would only work part time. I would need to work, I'm not cut out to be a stay at home mommy, but it wouldn't be full time, just part time.

If I could meet one celebrity... I don't know who I'd meet. I'm not 'obsessed' with any celebrity so... um... can't even think of one, maybe a band that I like... Sugarland or Lady A!

If I could only shop at one store for the rest of my life it'd be... shopping just for me? Then it'd definitely be Maurices! Shopping for the whole family... Kohls maybe?!

If we get another pet I would want a... dog! We cannot have any more pets where we live now, but I'd love to get a dog. I know they are a lot of work, but I miss having a dog around from when we lived at my mom's house. I know that Jay really wants one too and Ayden would love growing up with a dog as well! What kid doesn't love dogs?!

If I could go on a trip, RIGHT NOW, I'd want to go to... Hawaii! Warm, beautiful, warm, warm, warm!!! I couldn't imagine the pictures that I could get!

If I had to chose between a house cleaner and a personal chef, I'd pick the... personal chef! I HATE cooking! I could clean my house all day long and even though I'd get sick of it, I could do it. I can't stand cooking!

If I had the option of plastic surgery I'd get... a b00b job and/or nose job. I haven't been blessed 'up stairs' and I had my profile picture because my nose just sticks out there! Maybe having some more kids can take care of my 'up stairs' haha! Only the future will tell!

That's all for now...