Sunday, January 8, 2012

{tomorrow is monday}

Well, dear readers, it has been a rather low key weekend around our house. Lots of sleeping in, watching TV, playing with toys, and being creative Pinterest style!

I moved one of my photo shoots that was scheduled for this upcoming weekend to this weekend because the weather was supposed to be warmer and it was a family photo shoot with a little one year old. The photos turned out awesome (I cannot wait to get my computer back to edit them) and I am doing an individual indoor baby photo shoot this week as well. The little baby who is almost one is the most smilely little girl I've seen in a long time and she made the photo shoot go so smoothly, LOVED it! We managed to get it over pretty quickly because even though it was warmer than it will be next weekend, it was still cold!

Speaking of my computer, it is fixed! Turns out there was just a big dust ball in the fan that was causing it to over heat and turn off right away. I cannot wait to get it back! I want it back already, but since the plan is to go home next weekend, it really doesn't pay to drive home to get the computer before then and use gas when it is expensive to begin with. And I don't really NEED my computer right now anyways, it's just want at this point in time.

I was semi productive this weekend and created two different things that I found on Pinterest lately. Both turned out awesome and I will upload pictures of them when I get my computer back. One is a crayon canvas art and the other is a mini chalkboard prop for photo shoots and I cannot wait to use it with some upcoming photo shoots I have! Super excited!

Someone I know is getting married a couple of weeks after me and I find it funny and scary that she is already planning things for her wedding. I mean, she has more than 622 days to go! But then I sit back and wonder if maybe I am behind the game in planning things already?! I mean, does it really take more than a year to plan a wedding? Maybe to book a few things like a church and venue, but we don't really need either of those. I already booked my photographer and that is like my only mega important thing that I wanted to make sure was good. At this point in time, the wedding really isn't at the top of my to do list. Getting done with this semester, doing good in clinic, and finding a place to live and a job for Jay are top priorities right now. I figure I'll have more time to work on wedding stuff next summer after we get settled in to our new place and are hopefully closer to home. Or maybe it's just that I am jealous that other people are planning for their weddings when I'm not... I did however ask my cousins at Christmas to be bridesmaids in my wedding. I made cute little boxes that asked and they both said yes. I had previously asked my sister quite awhile ago to be my maid of honor and of course she said yes. And I asked one of my college friends as well! I debated long and hard about asking a friend to be a bridesmaid, but Kristi and I have that sort of unspoken bond between us, and we've already betrothed our children to each other, so she'll be around forever, haha! I'm excited. Jay hasn't asked any of the groomsmen yet, but they will for sure be at least his brother, my brother, and his friend JT. He is debating about one other person. And Ayden and Alexis of course!

Another week starts tomorrow... one week closer to the beginning of the semester! I am close to being ready for it to begin, but I know that with that is going to bring a lot more stress than I want to deal with. Winter break has been so relaxing so far and I wish that it could continue for longer than we have left. Actually, there is two weeks left and I know by the time that both of those weeks are over I will be ready for class again. I am beginning to miss seeing patients and having more than just a little bit of work to do when I do go to work. I won't miss sitting at home eating all day, that needs to stop!