Wednesday, January 25, 2012

{story time}

IMG_4907Ayden and I (well Ayden actually), successfully read through the book of Curious George stories that we have and he did a stupendous job! I couldn’t be more proud of him!!! No, he doesn’t have to hold the book that close to read it, I made him hold it like that for my picture of the day.

Ayden has been very loving lately. Lots of melt my heart moments where he will just stop whatever he is doing and come give me a hug. Can he stay like this forever please?! Today while we were reading he stopped in the middle of a sentence and leaned over and gave me a hug and said you are the best mommy ever. Tears anyone?! Then later after we had finished reading and he was in his room, I called into him and told him how great of a job he has been doing and he thanked me for helping him read so well. More tears anyone?! I should find a way to bottle this up because I know he won’t be like this forever! Mommy’s little boy, that’s for sure! I’ll eat it up while I can!

There hasn’t many other super exciting things going on this week that I feel compelled to write about right now… classes have started and it should be a pretty decent semester (minus the capstone and praxis stuff).