Tuesday, January 3, 2012

{jumped back on} 

Last night marked Day 1 when it comes to working out. I'm jumping back on the band wagon and restarting my Turbo Fire program! I could not believe how one little month of not working out could leave me so out of breath when doing just a 30 minute workout, but it did and I regret not working out this past month more than anything right now! I had my endurance and stamina pretty high there for a while and now it is all gone! Ugh! But, I am going to put forth the effort again for real this time and not just like my last two attempts in the last month that lasted only a day or two. This time is for real! I have 20 days until the semester starts and I am going to use them to get back into shape and then continue that when the semester starts! I need this push! I am also going to give up soda again. Even the 0 calorie stuff that I have been drinking isn't good for me, not with all of the sodium that is in it! My goal is to drink LOTS more water, like at least three bottles a day! One in the morning, one with lunch, and one with supper. I know that I should probably be drinking even more than that, but that is my goal (at least for now).