Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Hmm... this working out thing is overrated, have I ever mentioned that before?! I'm in pain and it's my own fault. My shoulders and back hurt. Why? Because I was the idiot who was picking up the basement the other day and saw Jay's 15 pound dumbbells laying on the floor and said to myself that I could do 10 bicep curls with them with both arms at the same time before I put them away. And I did. I was struggling by the last two reps, but I did it. And now I'm paying for it. Stupid me! And then getting back into working out this week is working muscles that I haven't worked out in a couple of weeks. Last night was supposed to be a short night and with only a 15 minute HITT workout, but then I added in 15 minutes of strength training on top of that. S.O.R.E! But it is a good kind of sore so I should stop complaining.

I had an episode with a strong willed child last night! Ayden and Jay got home from school and I could tell already that Ayden was in a bad mood. We do a list of homework almost every night when Ayden gets home from school. With Christmas break and being gone and busy so much in the last two weeks, I will admit that we haven't been on top of the homework at home thing and after Ayden's first day back to school he wanted nothing to do with homework at home. That led to more than an hour in his room whining and crying about doing his homework. I wasn't budging and just told him to come and get me when he was ready to do his reading. Needless to say, we didn't get all of his homework done until well into the night. Thankfully tonight was a TOTALLY different story and Ayden was all ready to go when he got home from school. Much better and we were all happier about that!

I dropped my computer off with my mom today and am keeping my fingers crossed that it can be fixed. I'm already missing not being able to go on it! I know that I can do almost everything I can on my computer on my tablet or phone when it comes to the internet, but not everything is the same. With some time off of school I was looking forward to getting caught up with my capstone data entering and doing some personal photo editing, but I can't do either of those things on my tablet. The orginal plan is to get my computer back next weekend at a family birthday party, but if it can be fixed before then I'd love to get it back sooner! I'm way to technologically connected and dependent, haha! Only when I don't have anything else going on.

I could go for a big bowl of ice cream right about now. All that hard working out down the drain! Or not... it's probably a good thing that we don't have any at our house, or many other junk food items because I don't have any will power. Today is my 'day off' according to the Turbo Fire program and I had every intention of working out today and 'banking' the day off for another day when I didn't feel like working out, but I am still pretty sore and so thought I would give my muscles a day to recoup so I can actually move tomorrow. That might be nice, eh?