Monday, June 1, 2009

Move almost FINISHED!

I wish I could say the hard part is over, but it is not quite yet. We still have the garage from our old place to move to our new place, however we cannot do that until we empty the garage at our new place of the boxes and stuff we moved on Saturday that we couldn't put in the house yet. So instead of doing it the hard way... bring each box in seperately... I told Jay to bring the dolley (sp?) from work and we could stack the boxes and move lots at once. Because after two LONG days of moving, the last thing I want to do is spend another night getting more boxes into my house. By the way... since when did we EVER have this much stuff?! You wouldn't notice it if the house was put together, but moving it all, it was like WOAH! And then in a week or so, we need to get back and clean the old place. Actually, we could theoretically wait until the end of June, but I just want done with that place.

Jay's parents and brother came to help us move the rest of our stuff yesterday which was such a blessing. It made things a lot better and we definitely did not have to take as many trips, I was estatic about that!

Today was our first day without the normal channels that we usually get and unfortunately we are not able to get the local channels either... big BUMMER! At least then Ayden would have been able to watch PBS. So far we are surviving and I managed to find a 'free' internet to log into for the time being. Can't wait until Friday though, lol!

So far I have the kitchen pretty much organized and half of the closet. Our closet at the new place is MUCH smaller than at our old place so I have had to become creative with our clothing situation, lol. I used to hang almost all of my clothes and Jay's, however now I've been forced to put a lot more into the dressers and get hangy storage device things to maximize closet space. I've also got the bathroom functioning pretty well, but that is about it. At least we have the beds set up and food accessible. Oh and Jay hooked up the washer and dryer last night, although I haven't tried them out yet. Maybe I will do a load tonight. Oh oh oh and one of the best things... we have a clothes line in the back yard! I can hang my clothes out! I know that means more work, but it saves energy and I love the smell of them when they are dried like that!

Jay has mega plans for the back yard landscaping and honestly I think it will look really nice when he is done. I think he wants to get started on it a lot faster than I would like him too because I would rather get the house in order first, but oh well. At least it will be free with the materials from work. We will just need to buy some plants and/or get some from his green thumb of a mother and all will be set. His parents are the best.

I'm sure at some point this week or next week we will get the stuff from the garage over to the new place, but there really isn't any hurry since we already have the bikes and that was the big thing that I wanted over by us. Ayden and I found a park about a block away from our new place and it is pretty nifty. It is definitely not as big as the 'big blue park' but the short bike ride makes up for it. Ayden's major goal this week is to help mommy and daddy put the house in order and his reward at the end of it will be a new Transformer, since we went to Walmart last night and saw that they have a ton of new ones out because of the movie. So far he has been really good. I definitely kind of feel for him this week though because I will want to try and organize things so we have room to play and he wants to play and there is no TV to watch and so he ends up playing by himself a lot. He was so good this morning, but it made me stop what I was doing and suggest we go to the park. I think I need more moments like that because the big picture isn't a clean and organized house, it's fun with your children!

Our cat, Diesel, seemed to take the move pretty well. He was pretty scared at first yesterday and both Jay and I showed him where his litter box had taken up its new home multiple times. I'm still a little worried that he might not be using it, but I did see him go up and down the stairs a few times and didn't spot/smell anything this morning (although I know there are a lot of places that he could have gone that I would not find until WAY later). We let him sleep with us last night (something I do not like doing because I inevitably get woken up a dozen or more times during the night), but I didn't sleep very well to begin with so it was really no bother. And... he was in a new place and we didn't want him to feel left out of anything. He seemed his normal self this morning, eating, wandering around, etc...

We also had to leave Ayden's bedroom door open because it is literally a pain in the butt to get open and closed. Reason... it rubs against the carpet. We are having it fixed of course (I wonder why the previous tenants did not because the same carpet was there when they lived there) because it poses more than just a fire risk if Ayden were in there alone. He can barely get the door opened and closed by himself. Not something I am going to put up with. The landlords were nice about it. Our toliet also squeals kind of when it is refilling itself, Jay said he could do something about that. The place is older, not new new like the place we moved out of, but that is okay with me. Jay said he was excited because it felt more like a house than an apartment. Well, duh! That is why I wanted to rent it, lol!

I am excited to get the playroom and office set up in the basement, but we are going to clean the carpets first. Apparently the landlords weren't going to have them done, but no problem. We are just borrrowing Jay's parent's carpet cleaner and will do it ourselves. So, no setting up anything until that is done because we would have to move it all again anyways. So far the cupboard space is holding up well. I thought we might not have enough, but we are not putting out all of our cups and getting rid of a lot of tupperware (we had SO much)... so all is good. My one major complaint would be that the shelves are so damn short that I can't fit anything in standing straight up. Oh well, lol! I'll survive!

I hope to post some pictures soon!