Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bad Mood

I’ve been a bad blogger lately… not posting as much as I should or as much as I would like… and then here I am coming back to you in a bad mood.

I’ve been home for the second time in five days (one other time just to sleep) and we walk into the house and guess what? Well, Jay cleaned the litter box Sunday morning before we left for Minnesota and found out that our lovable cat, Diesel, had decided to do his business on the carpet in the downstairs bathroom right next to his litter box. We believed that the reason for this was because his litter box was a little dirty. It really wasn’t that bad as Jay had cleaned it just two or three days earlier (and normally he goes like a week, which probably isn’t the best, but we had yet to encounter any problems). So, Jay cleans up Diesel’s mess and we head out. We made sure his litter box was nice and clean, he had food, etc etc before leaving for three days.

Apparently, our lovable cat wasn’t so happy as when Jay went to check out Diesel’s litter box when we got home, he was pretty upset to find it was NOT used, but instead the bathroom carpet was AGAIN! And this time I also found a spot on the toy room carpet that was soiled! Ugh! I’m so frustrated right now because this is the last thing that I thought we would have to deal with! Our cat has been great since the day we brought him home! He never used anything but his litter box at the old place! He may have thrown up here or there, the usual cat hair ball, but that was it!

When we moved I was concerned that we might have a problem because you can never judge how a cat might react when something changes, but everything went swimmingly with the move and Diesel took to his new home and new litter box spot with charm! We had no problems… until now that is! And cat urine is SO potent! I already went out tonight to find some spray that will hopefully work and keep him from going back and frequenting his new spot! I’m also concerned that there might be something going on with him because when cats tend to find new litter boxes something is usually amiss. I am hoping he was just upset with his litter box cleanliness (in which case Jay will have to be more on top of) and its not something health related because the last thing I want to deal with is a vet bill!

Ugh, this just really gets on my nerves!